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B&W Navajo Sandstone Canyon Wall
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Exploring at Low Tide

Key West young explorer
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Porch Art

Almost all porches in old town Key West are very close to the sidewalks. To me they offer visual clues to what is on the inside so this one must be stunning.
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Key West Color

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Spinning Mirrors

Thousands of 2 inch mirrors spinning with the breeze.
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Brian Head Overlook Tower

At 11,300 feet in elevation, the structure, built in 1934 has served as a recreational overlook and an occasional fire lookout. It features panoramic views across state lines, from Utah’s wilderness, to Arizona’s Mount Trumbull and Navajo Mountain and Nevada’s Wheeler and Highland peaks. A storm in 2024 tore its roof off but a restoration project is planned.
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Bahia Honda Railway Bridge

It is a derelict bridge in the Florida Keys connecting Bahia Honda Key with Spanish Harbor Key. It was originally part of the Overseas Railway, but the state of Florida purchased it from the Florida East Coast Railway after the 1935 Labor Day Hurricane and converted it for automobile use as part of the Overseas Highway in 1938. A replacement Bahia Honda Bridge, off to the right was opened in 1972.
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Miami Street Art

Took this in the Wynwood Walls district.
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Fireworks Friday

Boom sizzle crackle...
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Extraterrestrial Photographers

Walked out to the end of a pier to take a sunrise photo and was joined by what appeared to be an extraterrestrial and a friend with the same idea.
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Nelson Nevada

Site of the old Techatticup Mine and a great collection of junk. Population in 2022 was 17 (but that might include the cemetery).
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Out of Gas

Somewhere near Moab UT
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Walking with a camera one night

St George Blvd laid out by Brigham Young with the establishment of the town in 1861. It was centrally located in SW Utah near California, Nevada and Arizona. Like today, it attracted visitors wanting to see the State and National Parks. Walking down "The Boulevard" as they call it, you see a mix of the old and the new. This burger joint closed last year leaving a photo worthy unlit neon sign.
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Firework Art

At the end of a fireworks photo session I wrap up the camera, take it home, insert the cameras memory card in the computer and am always surprised at what was captured.
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Angles & Reflections

Las Vegas street walking with a camera.
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Old Town Havana

In its day, prior to 1959, the old town section of Havana must have been one of the most beautiful cities anyone could have imagined. These days everything, unless it attracts tourist dollars, is crumbling from neglect.
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Walking through a farmers market I saw these very large mushrooms and because it had almost no color I tried a B&W photo. For a second I considered calling it Colonoscopy.
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Key West Porch

I walk or ride a bike everywhere in Key West. When I walk I usually carry a small camera. In what is called Old Town most homes sit close to the sidewalk on very narrow lots so front porches are the dominant feature. To me they all tell a story or just give a hint to what you'll find on the inside.
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Need a project?

On the way to explore Pioche NV there are a few roadside (in my opinion) photo ops.
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Building Facade

Walking down the Las Vegas Strip the sun was nicely lighting up the front of a building.
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Fair Foto Fun

While taking a night photo of a moving ride at the fair I simply zoom in or out just a little which creates something different.
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Fireworks Friday

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Colors of age

I was in a time capsule of a house dating back to the 1950s and this just caught my eye.
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Fabulous Firework Friday

Experimental Aircraft Association in Oshkosh WI puts on an outstanding display after each of their night airshows.
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Neon Boneyard – Las Vegas

A non-profit dedicated to rescuing and preserving electric signs from around Las Vegas. Once a month they flip the switch on the working signs and invite people in to take beautiful photographs.
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Sunday Fireworks

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Fade to Black

Sunny clear skies and walking down the Las Vegas Strip with my Black and white camera. Looking straight up I saw this bright white to black with many shades of grey. I find it interesting what catches one's eye.
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Las Vegas Lines

Las Vegas is, if anything, is colorful. But I think the architectural detail really comes through nicely in black and white.
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Night Airshow

At the night airshow a plane enters my field of view from the left, performs a loop while occasionally launching fireworks from its wingtips then exits my view to the right. All this while flying over fireworks being launched from the ground.
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Long Retired

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Welcome 2024

Bye Bye 2023....Welcome 2024 Madison WI
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Car trouble on a lonely road

Driving the backroads in South Dakota we came upon this 1940s vintage Ford which looked like it had been there a very long time. What a great story it could tell, from the proud owner picking it up brand new to its resting place here on this very lonely road.
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Arizona Slot Canyon

The Navajo Sandstone is lit by the overhead sunlight which brings out the red, pink, orange and even purple colors. Page AZ is famous for its 26 mile Antelope Canyon.
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Sky art

EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) show in Oshkosh WI.
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Art Vendor As Art

Walking down Duval Street in Key West I thought the art vendor display as a whole was, to my amateur I clicked.
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Fremont Street

Downtown Las Vegas has been erecting old refurbished neon signs which is really helping the area hold on to its gambling history.
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Old barn old glass

Here i a photo of a reflection of an old barn behind me that is showing in very old glass in front of me.
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Fair Fun

Playing with the lights of amusement rides in the midway, at the state fair.
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Sand Dunes Sunrise

Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park in Utah features uniquely pink-hued sand dunes located beside red sandstone cliffs. The dunes are formed from the erosion of pink-colored Navajo Sandstone surrounding the park. High winds pick up loose sand particles and then drop them onto the dunes. The 3,300 acres of dunes are estimated to be between 10,000 and 15,000 years old. Wikipedia
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Eye candy

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Friday Firework

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The Key West Strand

The Strand Theater opened in the mid-1920s as a single screen movie house that sat around 800 people. The theater closed sometime in the early 1980s and reopened as a nightclub. It remained open as a few other nightclubs until it became a Ripley's Believe It Or Not museum in 1993. The theater was again closed in 2002. It has since reopened as a Walgreens drug store. Based on research, over the past 20 years the marquee had become damaged with parts even missing. Walgreens restored the marquee to its original status. All of the interior has been removed and/or covered over with the exception of the balcony.
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Hot Colored Air

Getting to ready launch a field of hot air balloons. This is one of the more colorful and dramatic events I get to photograph.
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Nelson Nevada

A wonderful collection of abandoned buildings, various junk and a gold mine.
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B&W Navajo Sandstone Canyon Wall

Took this on the Navajo Nation in Page Arizona in a very small part of the 26 mile canyon. In color the reds, pinks and even purples brighten with sunlight but I thought I'd experiment with B&W.
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On a windy night

Trying to take photos on a windy 4th of July from a boat.
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Sea Grass

Walking on a coral reef during low tide and bright sunlight offers interesting combinations of color.
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Ferris Wheel

Amusement rides with their color and motion are fun to photograph after dark. Here, once it began moving I opened the cameras shutter to let the light it, after a few turns I slowly zoomed in and out. These types of photos are always a surprise, like painting wearing a blindfold.
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Color Not Needed

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Las Vegas Lines & Steel

Great city to walk around with my black and white camera.
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Cloudless windy day, palm trees, a black & white camera and looking for something different.
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Retired Milwaukee warehouse

Like so many old buildings in Milwaukee this one was constructed out of cream city brick. It was a porous material which over time collected the dirt and soot of industry. In my eye is makes for nice B&W photos.
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Key West

Whenever I walk by this house I'd make a mental note to someday stop by with my camera.
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Rust in peace

Very photogenic auto salvage yard in a Georgia forest.
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Morning Coffee

The Reach hotel in Key West has this wonderful structure built out over the water. It's hard to find a better sunrise watching spot on the island.
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The Kiss Statue

At night, in front of the Key West Customs House
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Steam Engine

Henry Ford Museum
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Probably produced food, feed and sore farmer butts. Found this in Pine Valley Utah which is a picture perfect town the head of the Santa Clara River in the Pine Valley Mountains, and was settled in 1859. The population was 186 at the 2020 census. Significant landmarks include the Pine Valley Mormon Chapel designed by shipbuilder Ebenezer Bryce (Bryce Canyon National Park is named after him) in 1868 using the scheme of an upside-down boat.It is the oldest Mormon chapel in continuous use.
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Nose Art

Nose art is a decorative painting or design on the fuselage of an aircraft, usually on the front fuselage. While begun for practical reasons of identifying friendly units, the practice evolved to express the individuality often constrained by the uniformity of the military, to evoke memories of home and peacetime life, and as a kind of psychological protection against the stresses of war and the probability of death.
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The Shimmer

Though about 6 inches of water the sandstone bottom of a lakeshore shimmered in the noon high sunlight.
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Monday Fireworks

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In its Day

Sad architectural decay in Havana
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Chicago B&W

It is the reflections that really intrigue me. And, by taking this without color or sharpness it forces me to look harder at what is in the photo.
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Customs House

Opened in 1891 the Key West Customs House contained Customs Offices, District Court, and Post Office. Today it serves as a museum which I've taken a few photos of over the years due to its great color and design.
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Alley Redecorating

What once was a rather ordinary bland alley has now become (IMHO) photo worthy after artists got involved in a beautification project.
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How to dress up a city block

Walking along the Milwaukee River, an area of abandoned warehouses and factories when I came upon this beautiful mural which was about 3x larger than what you see here.
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Stained Glass

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Makes one look up

On a walk with a black and white camera in downtown Milwaukee I saw this in an old warehouse district near the river. The hard working hands are very well done.
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Keane Wonder Mine

You can find this mine at the end of a very dusty twisted road on the outskirts of Death Valley National Park CA. It produced gold from 1907 to 1942 when it played out. If you hike up 1.5 miles to the top of the visible ridge, you will see a mile long tram that moved buckets of ore.
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Air Show Artistry

Night airshow maneuvers as seen with a long shutter opening.
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Cuban Art

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Air Show Finale

Following the EAA night airshow the grand finale is beautiful fireworks. I stood behind the DC9 as it was polished aluminum hoping to get good reflections.
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Standing in the magnificent lobby of the Milwaukee Art Museum I placed the camera on the highly polished floor.
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Light and Symmetry

The buildings on the Las Vegas Strip offer wonderful combinations of color, light and design.
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Alley Art

Walking in an old neighborhood in Milwaukee I came upon this alley behind a restaurant which looked bright and colorful. On both sides were a dozen nice murals. One even had a small flower garden planted in front of it.
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Lou Ruvo

Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, opened in 2010, in Las Vegas. It has become a national resource for the treatment of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's disease, multiple sclerosis, and ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease); also focusing on prevention, early detection, and education. Its 65,000 sq ft includes 13 examination rooms, offices for practitioners and researchers, a "Museum of the Mind", and a community auditorium. It was designed by Frank Gehry.
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Old and New Chicago

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1950 Super Buick Eight
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Radial Aircraft Engine

Nelson Nevada Mines, active from about 1858 until 1945. Many of the men that created this area were deserters from the Civil War. This was one of the first major gold strike areas in Nevada. Now a gold mine of great junk. Many open mines and ventilation shafts-use caution. Man who lived here after the mines closed was a hoarder.
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Neon museum

Las Vegas neon museum opens their yard once a month for photographers.
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Dashboard Hula Girl

From the 1950s
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Mackinac Bridge

Connecting the lower and upper portions of Michigan. As we wiz under, the steel is 200 feet above me. The length of the steel is 19,243 feet. Depth of the water below is 295 feet. Overall total length of the bridge including approaches is more than 5 miles.
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Rescued & Retired

For many years a non-profit has been saving old Las Vegas signage from the wrecking ball. They collect them in storage yard, light them and allow photographers in once a month. Some are refurbished and installed in the boulevards around Fremont Street. Day or night hey are beautiful examples of historic Downtown Las Vegas.
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Plate Glass Art

A fraction of what you see was through the glass while most of it is behind me reflecting into it.
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Nevada Suntan

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Another thing along that same road

Along the same fence but way different...possibly another family member likes to also weld.
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Wet Confetti

There must have been a big celebration last night because confetti was blowing all over. Someone was hosing to the street as I was walking by, colors simply caught my eye and now maybe they catch yours.
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Night Airshow Eaa

Some of my favorite time playing with a camera.
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Nelson Art

Nelson Nevada is a wonderful collection of photogenic junk, cholla cactus, snakes and an old gold mine.
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Rhyolite Nevada

In it’s day this was a large wealthy city until the gold mine stopped producing.
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Sun Baked

Nevada sun.....
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Friday Fireworks

I really enjoy taking photos of fireworks because of what the camera sees when it freezes the light and motion. Always a surprise and all so different.
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Long Retired Buick

Many years spent retired in a Georgia forrest.
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Night Airshow

Long open shutter then a surprise when I download the photo to see if it worked.
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Holy Hill Shrine

Holy Hill National Shrine of Mary is a Roman Catholic Marian shrine in Erin, Wisconsin. It serves as a religious pilgrimage and attracts approximately 300,000 visitors each year. The shrine is located atop a high kame in 400 acres of woods. Visitors can climb a 178-step observation tower to view the Milwaukee skyline, about thirty miles southeast. At approximately 1,350 feet above sea level, it is one of the highest points in southeastern Wisconsin. Wikipedia
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Pastoral Utah

Driving back after a day at Bryce Canyon we came upon this building next to a pond. Climbed a fence which kept the cattle in, took a few photos and continued on.
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Early 1900s

Nelson Nevada Mines, active from about 1858 until 1945. Many of the men that created this area were deserters from the Civil War. This was one of the first major gold strike areas in Nevada. Now a gold mine of great junk.
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Blue & Bright

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Civilian Conversation Corps

Nelson Nevada Mines, active from about 1858 until 1945. Many of the men that created this area were deserters from the Civil War. This was one of the first major gold strike areas in Nevada. Now a gold mine of great junk. Many open mines and ventilation shafts-use caution. Man who lived here after the mines closed was a hoarder.
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Carved Sand

Lit up...maybe 7-8 feet tall, very cool.