Fireworks Friday
Boom sizzle crackle...

Firework Art
At the end of a fireworks photo session I wrap up the camera, take it home, insert the cameras memory card in the computer and am always surprised at what was captured.

Fireworks Friday

Fabulous Firework Friday
Experimental Aircraft Association in Oshkosh WI puts on an outstanding display after each of their night airshows.

Sunday Fireworks

Welcome 2024
Bye Bye 2023....Welcome 2024 Madison WI

Sky art
EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) show in Oshkosh WI.

Eye candy

Friday Firework

On a windy night
Trying to take photos on a windy 4th of July from a boat.

Monday Fireworks

Air Show Finale
Following the EAA night airshow the grand finale is beautiful fireworks. I stood behind the DC9 as it was polished aluminum hoping to get good reflections.

Friday Fireworks
I really enjoy taking photos of fireworks because of what the camera sees when it freezes the light and motion. Always a surprise and all so different.


Fireworks in the wind
I was sitting in the bow of a boat on a windy night taking photos of shore launched fireworks. So the wind was coming from the left pushing the bow to the right but my friend was steering to the left to keep the fireworks centered. The lights near the bottom were other boats that were probably steering and moving to the left to counteract the strong winds as we were. So that explains that...I guess.

EAA Oshkosh

EAA Oshkosh

EAA Oshkosh

EAA Oshkosh

EAA Oshkosh

April Boom

Big Bangs

In wind on water
Taken on a windy night from the front of a moving boat.

Friday fireworks

Cinco de Mayo Kaboom
Everyday is a good day for fireworks.

Ker Blam

Fireworks Plus
There’s something really fun about photographing fireworks with the different colors and shapes. When frozen by the camera you can examine them for a moment.
This was taken during a night airshow fireworks
in the background while a twin engine aircraft flew around firing small fireworks off its wings.

What the camera freezes in a fraction of a second is always a surprise.

Firework Friday

Firework Art
Always a surprise......freeze motion and color.




Saturday Fireworks
Some of my favorite photography. I am always very surprised with what the camera sees. In this case I left the shutter open for 2 seconds.


Kaboom Boom
I really enjoy taking photos of fireworks. The camera often sees what the eye cannot.

Bang Whoosh
Fireworks on a windy night



Night art in the sky

Sky Art


FW24 On a windy night

Different color travels at different speeds. I find many blue colored fireworks the camera caught but rarely can I see blue ones with my eyes.