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Bahia Honda Railway Bridge
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Extraterrestrial Photographers

Walked out to the end of a pier to take a sunrise photo and was joined by what appeared to be an extraterrestrial and a friend with the same idea.
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It’s a horse of course…

On patrol in Key West.
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Bryce Canyon National Park

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Best Christmas Outfit

Years ago the Curry Mansion in Key West went all out in decorating for the holidays.
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Bryce Canyon Utah

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Sunrise in Wisconsin

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Lobster Trap Tree

The City of Key West continually improves the harbor walk light displays for the holidays.
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Aviators Field of Dreams

Runway at the beautiful Brodhead Airport where the Kelch Aviation Museum collection has 19 original vintage airplanes. Located in Southern Wisconsin it is a true gem of a facility for aircraft buffs.
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Merry Christmas

I took this photo almost 20 years ago in the lobby of a very old Key West mansion turned bed and breakfast. It is still one of my many favorite holiday photos.
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Low Fireworks

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Bahia Honda Railway Bridge

It is a derelict bridge in the Florida Keys connecting Bahia Honda Key with Spanish Harbor Key. It was originally part of the Overseas Railway, but the state of Florida purchased it from the Florida East Coast Railway after the 1935 Labor Day Hurricane and converted it for automobile use as part of the Overseas Highway in 1938. A replacement Bahia Honda Bridge, off to the right was opened in 1972.
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Into The Sunset

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Key West Color

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Manatee Nose

Walking along the seawall I saw this very large Manatee under water so I waited for it to surface for a breath of air. As it surfaced I took a few photos but I liked this one the best.
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Mexican Gold Poppies Desert Bloom

Hundreds of acres of Mexican Golden Poppies bloom in abundance at Gold Butte National Monument in Nevada.
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Canyonlands National Park

Canyonlands National Park is in southeastern Utah near the town of Moab. The park preserves a colorful landscape eroded into numerous canyons, mesas, and buttes by the Colorado River, the Green River, and their respective tributaries. Legislation creating the park was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson on September 12, 1964. The park is divided into four districts: the Island in the Sky, the Needles, the Maze, and the combined rivers—the Green and Colorado—which carved two large canyons into the Colorado Plateau. While these areas share a primitive desert atmosphere, each retains its own character. Author Edward Abbey, a frequent visitor, described the Canyonlands as "the most weird, wonderful, magical place on earth—there is nothing else like it anywhere." Wikipedia
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The osprey known as sea hawk, river hawk, and fish hawk, is a fish-eating bird of prey. It is a large raptor, reaching more than 24 in length and 71 in across the wings. Wikipedia I took this photo in the Florida Everglades.
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Morning movie

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Florida Keys Bahia Honda Bridge

The Bahia Honda railroad bridge was originally built by Henry Flagler as part of the FEC's Overseas Railroad. Opened in 1912, The Labor Day Hurricane of 1935 destroyed much of the line and it was purchased by the state of Florida and converted for highway use in 1938. A new four-lane bridge was built and opened in 1972, a few hundred yards north of the old bridge, replacing the former route of U.S. 1. Wikipedia
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Miami Street Art

Took this in the Wynwood Walls district.
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Nelson Nevada

Site of the old Techatticup Mine and a great collection of junk. Population in 2022 was 17 (but that might include the cemetery).
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Ford Trimotor

The Ford Trimotor (also called the "Tri-Motor", and nicknamed the "Tin Goose") is an American three-engined transport aircraft. Production started in 1925 by the companies of Henry Ford and ended on June 7, 1933, after 199 had been made. Wikipedia
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Snow Canyon State Park Utah

Snow Canyon State Park is a state park in Utah, located in the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve. The park features a canyon carved from the red and white Navajo sandstone of the Red Mountains, as well as the extinct Santa Clara Volcano, lava tubes, lava flows, and sand dunes. Snow Canyon is located near the cities of Ivins and St. George. Wikipedia
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Tavern in Cuba

Like everything else in Havana, very old and rundown but lots of character.
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Wynwood Walls is a unique outdoor destination featuring huge, colorful street murals by artists from around the globe.
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48 feet, 2,200 Horsepower, 160+ MPH racer in Key West

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Out of Gas

Somewhere near Moab UT
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Race Ready

Road America Elkhart Lake WI. It is an Austin Healey if I remember right.
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Havana Cuba

Spent a day last week walking through Havana with a side trip to Hemingways house. There are always plenty of things to photograph.
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Shrimper Miss Key West

Miss Key West docked at Schooner Wharf.
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Something Different

Just caught my eye.
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Sand Dunes at Dawn

Taken at Coral Pink (really) Sand Dunes State Park in Utah.
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Exploring at Low Tide

Key West young explorer
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Blue Angels

I took this at the Boca Chica Naval Air Station in Key West on Armed Forces Day. It is tradition that when they come to Key West a time of arrival is announced. Duval is the main street running 1.25 miles connecting the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. When they arrive, traffic stops and people pour into the street as the Blues fly very very low and slow, trailing red and blue smoke right down the middle of Duval on their way to the Naval Air Station. It gives me goosebumps to watch.
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Key West Florida

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Sturgeon Bay Ship Canal North Pierhead Light

This impressive structure is located at the fully operational U.S. Coast Guard station on the Lake Michigan end of the Sturgeon Bay ship canal. The Pierhead navigation light was built in 1882, and the station was built with a tower light in 1899, renovated in 1903, and automated in 1972. The lower level breakwall is the only section of the grounds that are open to the public.
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Pincushion cactus

About the size of a bowling ball it blooms a large bright red flower. I'm always intrigued by the structure of these leafless plants and like most, you are wise to keep your distance.
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Road Runner

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Canyonlands National Park Utah

The park is divided into four districts: the Island in the Sky, the Needles, the Maze, and the combined rivers—the Green and Colorado—which carved two large canyons into the Colorado Plateau. While these areas share a primitive desert atmosphere, each retains its own character. Author Edward Abbey, a frequent visitor, described the Canyonlands as "the most weird, wonderful, magical place on earth—there is nothing else like it anywhere. Wikipedia
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Sunrise in Wisconsin

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One of 146 Restaurants

There are 146 Restaurants in Key West as of December 1, 2024. Key West is a small town with a population of just under 25,000 people. It's known for its vibrant nightlife, historic architecture, and "Floribbean" character. Key West is also walkable, as it's only 4 miles by 2 miles.
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Wisconsin Sunrise

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Near Capitol Reef National Park Utah

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Fireworks Friday

Boom sizzle crackle...
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Porch Art

Almost all porches in old town Key West are very close to the sidewalks. To me they offer visual clues to what is on the inside so this one must be stunning.
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1929 D-25 New Standard

Taken in Brodhead WI where there is a wonderful museum featuring a collection of antique aircraft. Every time I visit I'm reminded of the movie Field of Dreams. While visiting I was graciously invited to go up for a ride in this beautifully restored barnstormer. The pilot sits in back and there is room for 3 passengers in the front. While flying along you have a spectacular view of the countryside while directly in front of you is a placard which says No Dancing.
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Utah Double

Red Mountains in Ivins Utah
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Zion National Park

Looking down on a bend in the Virgin River and park road.
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A Happy Guy In An Alley

While looking for photo opportunities in a Las Vegas alley (yes, we do that) we came across this obviously happy and probably homeless man. When I asked him if I could take his picture he sat down with his phone and gave a big smile. He then stood up still smiling, thanked us profusely and walked away.
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Hot air balloon night glow is where they keep them anchored but show off their colors.
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Yellow Umbrella

Saw this single bright yellow mushroom in Florida mulch so I got way down on my knees, steadied the camera and here you have it.
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Double Rainbow

Wisconsin this past summer.
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A chill is in the air

Took this shortly after sunrise yesterday here in Wisconsin. I used a long lens so this image looks about 1-2 miles out. Air temps were in the low 40s so it is easy to see the heat leaving the much warmer lake water.
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Soft sunrise

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EAA Airshow Fireworks

The EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) airshow in Oshkosh WI hosts over 600,000 attendees and 10,000 planes. Twice during the week they have a second airshow held after dark which is followed by spectacular fireworks.
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Street shooting

Taking night photos on Duval which is the main tourist street in Key West.
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Night Photo Fun

Arguably the most photographed building in Key West located on Duval Street. The streaks are cars passing by which are captured by waiting for the light to turn green, pressing the shutter button while traffic moves past then closing the shutter.
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Bryce Canyon National Park UT

The sun had just risen bathing the red Navajo sandstone in soft light.
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Las Vegas street walking

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Firework Art

At the end of a fireworks photo session I wrap up the camera, take it home, insert the cameras memory card in the computer and am always surprised at what was captured.
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Walking with a camera one night

St George Blvd laid out by Brigham Young with the establishment of the town in 1861. It was centrally located in SW Utah near California, Nevada and Arizona. Like today, it attracted visitors wanting to see the State and National Parks. Walking down "The Boulevard" as they call it, you see a mix of the old and the new. This burger joint closed last year leaving a photo worthy unlit neon sign.
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Race time

Road America at Elkhart Lake WI
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Red Mountain Ivins Utah

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Key West schooners

This is a schooner full of tourists out for a day sail coming up close for a look at another which looks to be privately owned.
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Something Different

I signed up for a photography course in downtown Las Vegas. The instructor hired 3 models who posed at various locations for us. It was pretty interesting once he started picking backgrounds and left it up to the models to create various poses.
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Angles & Reflections

Las Vegas street walking with a camera.
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Old Town Havana

In its day, prior to 1959, the old town section of Havana must have been one of the most beautiful cities anyone could have imagined. These days everything, unless it attracts tourist dollars, is crumbling from neglect.
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Walking through a farmers market I saw these very large mushrooms and because it had almost no color I tried a B&W photo. For a second I considered calling it Colonoscopy.
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Need a project?

On the way to explore Pioche NV there are a few roadside (in my opinion) photo ops.
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Key West Porch

I walk or ride a bike everywhere in Key West. When I walk I usually carry a small camera. In what is called Old Town most homes sit close to the sidewalk on very narrow lots so front porches are the dominant feature. To me they all tell a story or just give a hint to what you'll find on the inside.
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Toroweap is a viewpoint within the Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona. It is located in a remote area 148 miles west of the North Rim Headquarters by road. The overlook is the only viewpoint in the National Park from where the Colorado River can be seen vertically below. The overlook stands 3,000 feet above the river. wikipedia
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Back road oddities

While driving the backroads one never knows what one will find. This one called Tin Man appeared along a remote farm road in central Wisconsin.
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Great Egret

I took this in Everglades National Park in southern Florida. The great egret is a large heron with all-white plumage. Standing up to 3 1/2 feet tall, with a wingspan of almost 6 feet, with an average weight of 2.2 pounds. It lives on fish, frogs and small mammals. Males and females are identical in appearance. Wikipedia
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Canna Lily

Boerner Botanical Gardens are located on the grounds of Whitnall Park in the village of Hales Corners, Wisconsin. The gardens are named for Alfred Boerner, who designed the original five formal gardens.
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Richard has been living on the streets of Key West for many years.
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Fair Foto Fun

While taking a night photo of a moving ride at the fair I simply zoom in or out just a little which creates something different.
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Building Facade

Walking down the Las Vegas Strip the sun was nicely lighting up the front of a building.
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Sandy Sunrise

Arrived at Coral Pink Sand Dunes (Utah State Park) before sunrise. Hiked out into the dunes hoping for a bright sky to light up the pink sand but overcast skies made me try black & white instead.
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Inside the balloon

At a hot air balloon launch I was trying to take a photo while this was inflating. The owner told me I could go inside for a better photo so I told him and his wife to join me.
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Ivins Utah

In Ivins Utah there is a development called Kayenta where color and height rules make the houses blend in with the surroundings. This red mountain is the areas backdrop while the deep wash cut the development in half.
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Fireworks Friday

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Colors of age

I was in a time capsule of a house dating back to the 1950s and this just caught my eye.
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Light it up

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California Coast

On the distant island is the Point Sur Lighthouse i24.6 miles south of Monterey, California.
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Double Color

It didn't look like much at first but when I saw the clouds slide off to the right exposing some sunlit pinks and reds I grabbed my stuff and headed out to the shore to wait. So often the moving clouds combine with a rising sun and the dawn colors quickly get brighter. To capture this I left the camera shutter open for about 15 seconds as it was still quite dark out. This allows the light to accumulate on the camera sensor not only making the photo brighter and the colors deeper but it also makes the water look smoother which like a mirror doubles the effect.
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Fabulous Firework Friday

Experimental Aircraft Association in Oshkosh WI puts on an outstanding display after each of their night airshows.
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Sunday Fireworks

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Neon Boneyard – Las Vegas

A non-profit dedicated to rescuing and preserving electric signs from around Las Vegas. Once a month they flip the switch on the working signs and invite people in to take beautiful photographs.
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A new day begins

Sunrise Wisconsin
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Artsy Ferrari

Taken through a rear window it picked up various reflections.
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Good Morning Sunshine

A giant hybrid sunflower grown in a botanical garden. Hard for you to appreciate the size but it is massive and the height of the plant had to be 10 feet.
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Winging It

In Brodhead WI there is the wonderful Kelch Aviation Museum focusing on antique aircraft. With blue sky, white clouds and endless green grass these beautiful planes quite easily become photographic art.
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I can always find him along the waterfront on my walks into town. It is one thing to quickly glance but to take a photo then really look makes me appreciate what I have..
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Fade to Black

Sunny clear skies and walking down the Las Vegas Strip with my Black and white camera. Looking straight up I saw this bright white to black with many shades of grey. I find it interesting what catches one's eye.
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Natures Artistry

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Last day of September but I’ll be back

Trying to be funny with fotos
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Two extremes

Key West has a very active port offering endless photo opportunities.
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Whoo are you?

Mom and 2 Great Horned owlets in Ivins Utah.
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Interesting color

A hazy day seemed to remove all color but created a nice background to emphasize the lines and color of this nice sailboat arriving in Key West.