Aviators Field of Dreams
Runway at the beautiful Brodhead Airport where the Kelch Aviation Museum collection has 19 original vintage airplanes. Located in Southern Wisconsin it is a true gem of a facility for aircraft buffs.

48 feet, 2,200 Horsepower, 160+ MPH racer in Key West

Into The Sunset

Shrimper Miss Key West
Miss Key West docked at Schooner Wharf.


1929 D-25 New Standard
Taken in Brodhead WI where there is a wonderful museum featuring a collection of antique aircraft. Every time I visit I'm reminded of the movie Field of Dreams. While visiting I was graciously invited to go up for a ride in this beautifully restored barnstormer. The pilot sits in back and there is room for 3 passengers in the front. While flying along you have a spectacular view of the countryside while directly in front of you is a placard which says No Dancing.

Hot air balloon night glow is where they keep them anchored but show off their colors.

Key West schooners
This is a schooner full of tourists out for a day sail coming up close for a look at another which looks to be privately owned.

Winging It
In Brodhead WI there is the wonderful Kelch Aviation Museum focusing on antique aircraft. With blue sky, white clouds and endless green grass these beautiful planes quite easily become photographic art.

Artsy Ferrari
Taken through a rear window it picked up various reflections.

Two extremes
Key West has a very active port offering endless photo opportunities.

Interesting color
A hazy day seemed to remove all color but created a nice background to emphasize the lines and color of this nice sailboat arriving in Key West.

Twin Beech
The Beechcraft Model 18 (or "Twin Beech") is a 6- to 11-seat, twin-engined, low-wing, tailwheel light aircraft manufactured by the Beech Aircraft Corporation of Wichita, Kansas. Continuously produced from 1937 to November 1969, over 9,000 were built, making it one of the world's most widely used light aircraft. Wikipedia
I took this photo at The Kelch Aviation Museum is an located at Brodhead Airport in Brodhead, Wisconsin focused on the Golden Age of Aviation.

100 Years Old
Walking through the backlot of an old railroad yard in New Freedom WI I found many very old rail cars and engines. I found out these wood boxcars were made over 100 years ago.

US Navy EA-18G Growler
Boeing EA-18G Growler is a US Navy carrier-based electronic warfare aircraft, a specialized version of the two-seat Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornet. Wikipedia

1950s Chrome
Chevrolet in a car show on a sunny day in Nevada.

The Rockwell B-1 Lancer is a supersonic variable-sweep wing, heavy bomber used by the United States Air Force. It is commonly called the "Bone". It is one of three strategic bombers in the U.S. Air Force fleet as of 2021, the other two being the B-2 Spirit and the B-52 Stratofortress.

EAA Oshkosh
Experimental Aircraft Association airshow happens every year in Oshkosh WI. For over a week it's the busiest airport in the world and one of my favorite places to take a camera.

Almost ready to fly!
3...2...1....Hop in!

Fly Fishing
Osprey are pretty easy to photograph because they are curious birds. If I'm near water and one is in the vicinity I can usually count on it coming to investigate me. So as it soars above my head it becomes much easier for me to get a couple pictures as its close and slow.

Harry Miller 1875-1943
His engines dominated American oval-track racing for almost half a century. Most of the speed records which there were to be had on land and water were held at one time or another by those engines. He created the school of American thoroughbred engine design, which was faithfully followed by those who sought to outdo him. He was the originator, in the United States, of the racing car as an art object. He had a passion for metalwork and machinery that soared above and beyond all practical consideration.

Into the wild blue yonder
A hot air balloon is a lighter-than-air aircraft consisting of a bag, called an envelope, which contains heated air. Suspended beneath is a gondola or wicker basket, which carries passengers and a source of heat, in most cases an open flame caused by burning liquid propane. The heated air inside the envelope makes it buoyant, since it has a lower density than the colder air outside the envelope. As with all aircraft, hot air balloons cannot fly beyond the atmosphere. The envelope does not have to be sealed at the bottom, since the air inside the envelope is at about the same pressure as the surrounding air. In modern sport balloons the envelope is generally made from nylon fabric, and the inlet of the balloon (closest to the burner flame) is made from a fire-resistant material such as Nomex. Wikipedia
This was one of 23 balloons launched as part of a fundraising festival in Mukwonago WI.

Long Term Parking

EAA Oshkosh
Stunt plane

Full of hot air
Inflating a colorful hot air balloon prior to take off in Mukwonago WI.

Harry Miller 1875-1943
His engines dominated American oval-track racing for almost half a century. This car ran in the Indy 500.

The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is an American family of single-seat, single-engine, all-weather stealth multirole combat aircraft that is intended to perform both air superiority and strike missions.

Vintage Racing Engine
Ran in the Indy 500

Blue Angels Moon
I was very lucky with this photo.

North American T-6 Texan
The North American Aviation T-6 Texan is an American single-engined advanced trainer aircraft used to train pilots during World War II. First flown in 1936, a total of 15,495 T-6s of all variants were built. Wikipedia
I took this photo at the EAA convention in Oshkosh WI

One of the more popular waters ports in Key West.

Key West FL sailboat races

Miss Virginia
Douglas DC-3C (C47) N47E “Miss Virginia” was manufactured in 1943 in Long Beach, CA as a Military model C-47A. She served at POPE with the Training Command in 1944 and 1945, then with the Air Material Command at Davis Monthan, AZ, then with the National Guard in Oklahoma City in the 50’s, then on to the U.S. Army proving ground as a test platform until 1966 when it went into storage at Davis Monthan. In 1990 it began a 10 year restoration. I took this photo at the EAA airshow in Oshkosh WI.

Last sail of the day
Sun had set, last passengers brought aboard and the parasail wrapped up for the ride back to the marina.

Auburn automobiles were produced from 1900 to 1937 which were fast, good-looking and expensive. However, after the 1929 Wall Street Crash, and the economic downturn that ensued, the vehicle business halted in 1937 and Auburn started to produce a line of kitchen cabinets and sinks, to keep the company afloat. wikipedia

Grumman TBF Avenger
The Grumman TBF Avenger is an American torpedo bomber developed initially for the United States Navy and Marine Corps during WWII.

Early 1900’s
Indy 500 Racer

Powerboat Racing
Each year Key West hosts the Offshore Powerboat Racing group for a week of noise and fury.

Nose Art
Nose art is a decorative painting or design on the fuselage of an aircraft, usually on the front fuselage.
While begun for practical reasons of identifying friendly units, the practice evolved to express the individuality often constrained by the uniformity of the military, to evoke memories of home and peacetime life, and as a kind of psychological protection against the stresses of war and the probability of death.

Tail light art
Not sure as to the year, make or model but it is a photo worthy light design.

It's a 1958

Harry Miller Race Engine 1875-1943
His engines dominated American oval-track racing for almost half a century.

Audi at Road America

I took a ride
Man in green shirt owned the car and when I took the photo he asked if I wanted a ride around Havana. We climbed in with him in the back seat and other fellow drove. He explained he'd lost his license due to drunk driving so his friend drove. Car was beautiful but only ran and stayed together with car love.

Ely Nevada Railroad Museum
The Nevada Northern Railway is a non-profit historical foundation whose mission is to maintain and operate what has been acclaimed as the best-preserved railroad facility in the United States.

Key West Sunset Sail
Always a great show before the dark.

Corner of somewhere and nowhere Utah

Cruise Ship Key West

Heading out to sea
Departing Key West Harbor.

Steam Engine
Henry Ford Museum

Do you take?
Key West marriage at sunset with photographer, female preacher and a boat full of friends and family.

Night Air Show
Long shutter speed records the movement of the twin engine aircraft that occasionally shoots fireworks.

1920s Rumely Oil Pull Tractors
At a steam engine show in Wisconsin I came across this small tractor using a belt to start the larger tractor. It did start with lots of noise and thick black smoke.

Around and around she goes….
Where she stops, nobody knows. State Fair ferris wheel with a 2 second shutter opening.

St Clair River
Looking at the USA Side and behind me is the Canada shore

Can you hear it?

Harry Trumans ’49 Lincoln
His presidential limousine on display (and driven daily) at Harry Trumans "Little Whitehouse" in Key West.

Offshore World Championship Key West
Two of the boats in the unlimited class which have a top speed potential of around 200mph. Races are held every November in Key West FL.

Ford Model A (1927-1931)
Model A production ended in March 1932, after 4,858,644 had been made.

Riverside Special
The 'Riverside Special' was built in Appleton WI in 1932 to compete in the Indy 500. Race rules required a seat for a driver and mechanic. As a daily driver it was well known in town for outrunning the local Police. I took this last summer at the annual gathering of old Indy 500 racers at the Milwaukee Mile track.

Balloon Launch
Hot air balloon inflation/launch one warm summer evening in Mukwonago WI.

Wind Turbine
Driving through a rural farming area that had wind turbines I thought getting up close might make an interesting photo. I just read modern turbines average 320 feet in height which it taller than the Statue of Liberty.

Daytona Beach

Junkyard in a pine forest in Georgia.

Nevada Northern No.40
Built in July 1910 for the Northern Nevada Railway in Ely Nevada. Here in Ely it is undergoing a boiler inspection and overhaul and completely rebuilding its running gear and tender.

Twin turbine engines
Key West power boat racing


Catamaran Class
Power boat racing Key West

1929 Waco
The Waco Aircraft Company (WACO) was an aircraft manufacturer located in Troy, Ohio, United States. Between 1920 and 1947, the company produced a wide range of civilian biplanes.
I took this photo at a wonderful airfield in Brodhead WI which is also home to the Kelch Aviation Museum.

Quiet Color
Fishing at sunrise in Wisconsin.

Photographer & Rescue Swimmers
Key West powerboat racing

1942 Ryan PT-22
Built for the US Army Air Force as a rugged and easy to maintain military trainer. It featured a metal fuselage and fabric covered wings. The "Recruit" was a wire-braced, low-winged monoplane, with open cockpit seating for two in tandem. It trained more than 14,000 pilots for the Army Air Corps. At the peak of activity in the fall of 1943, more than 1,200 cadets were training in schools in Hemet, California and Tucson, Arizona. I took this at a private event for members of the Midwest Antique Airplane Club in Brodhead WI.

Grass Guzzler
Somewhere in South Dakota.

Disney Ship Departing
Spinning 180 degrees to exit the Key West harbor via the shipping channel.

Powerboat Race Week
This is race week in Key West with 71 boats competing over a period of 7 days. The photography is challenging due to the speeds and angles.

USS Cobia
USS Cobia was launched November 28, 1943, in Groton, CT. In June 1944, she began the first of six war patrols in which she sank thirteen Japanese vessels. By July 1944, Cobia had established herself in the annals of World War II sub history by attacking an enemy convoy bound for Japanese-held Iwo Jima. In 1986, Cobia was incorporated as a part of the Manitowoc Maritime Museum in Wisconsin, declared a National Historic Landmark, and placed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Big Red
Middle of nowhere Nevada in an area called Nelson there is a collection of old vehicles. Not worth much except for taking pictures.

1950s Austin Healy
Road America - 1950s vintage Austin Healy

Shrimper Returning With Its Catch

Offshore Powerboat Racing
Key West hosts a weeklong long event every November with 3 days of practice and 3 days of racing.

The Blues
The Blue Angels are a flight demonstration squadron of the United States Navy. Formed in 1946, the unit is the second oldest formal aerobatic team in the world, after the French Patrouille de France formed in 1931. The team, composed of six Navy and one Marine Corps demonstration pilot, fly Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornets. Wikipedia
I took this while performing on Armed Forces Day at the Boca Chica Naval Air Station in Key West FL.

Ride on top of the Las Vegas Stratosphere.

The plane enters from the right…….
EAA (Oshkosh WI) night airshow shows the plane coming from the right, looping around, launching fireworks from his wingtips before exiting to the left.

Docked & Lookin Good
Just pulled in for a stay in Key West.

Snowblower Train
The fleet of maintenance machinery that keeps our nation’s railways and roadways clear comprises some of the coolest machines out there today. The Union Pacific Railroad’s three rotary snowplows are no exception. Built in the 1920s, the rotary snow plows originally ran on steam, but were converted to diesel in the 1950s. UP Museum - Salt Lake City UT


America 2.0
Looks like a wonderfull evening for a sunset sail in Key West.

Final approach for landing
The Brodhead airport in WI has a fly-in for antique aircraft each summer. This was taken in a 1928 Standard D-25 which was designed expressly for barn-storming.

Douglas DC-3
The Douglas DC-3 first flew in 1935 with production reaching over 16,000 planes. Many continue to be used in a variety of niche roles. As of 2023 it is estimated about 150 are still flying. I took this at the EAA convention in Oshkosh WI.

Sunset Parasailing
Bright sky above the cloud, darker below.

Triple Masted Beauty
Moored in Key West

Miller engine powered, probably raced in the Indy 500 in the early or mid 1920s. Here photographed on the Milwaukee Mile in West Allis WI.

American White Pelican
American White Pelicans feed from the water’s surface, dipping their beaks into the water to catch fish and other aquatic organisms. They do not plunge-dive the way Brown Pelicans do. They are superb soarers (they are among the heaviest flying birds in the world) and often travel long distances in large flocks by soaring. They can grow to an astonishing 9.5 feet in length, 5.5 feet long and weigh as much as 20lbs. I've seen flocks in FL, UT and WI that number over a thousand.

If they could talk
The stories, happy buyers at the dealerships, first dates, flats, driving lessons, dropped ice cream cones, road trips, drive in movies, children driving solo, A&W window trays.....I could go on and on.

Ft Jefferson Planes
There are 2 ways for people, without a large boat, to get to Fort Jefferson National Park. The ferry from Key West or these amphibious planes that take off from Key West airport and land in the water at the fort.

City of old cars
Havana...and they are everywhere. Once a month there is a car show in Havana. Because of the Cubans infatuation (and mine) with cars, I would love to be there for one.

Promontory Point
Union Pacific No. 119 met the Central Pacific Railroad's Jupiter at Promontory Summit, Utah, during the Golden Spike ceremony commemorating the completion of the First transcontinental railroad in 1869. At the Golden Spike National Historical Park you can drive portions of the train route in your car stopping to read historical markers along the way.

1933 Ford Roadster
This Cote motor company #10, took the checkered flag at the 1932 Indianapolis 500.

The Boeing EA-18G Growler is an American carrier-based electronic warfare aircraft, a specialized version of the two-seat F/A-18F Super Hornet. Wikipedia