48 feet, 2,200 Horsepower, 160+ MPH racer in Key West

Shrimper Miss Key West
Miss Key West docked at Schooner Wharf.

Into The Sunset

Key West schooners
This is a schooner full of tourists out for a day sail coming up close for a look at another which looks to be privately owned.

Two extremes
Key West has a very active port offering endless photo opportunities.

Interesting color
A hazy day seemed to remove all color but created a nice background to emphasize the lines and color of this nice sailboat arriving in Key West.

Key West FL sailboat races

One of the more popular waters ports in Key West.

Last sail of the day
Sun had set, last passengers brought aboard and the parasail wrapped up for the ride back to the marina.

Cruise Ship Key West

Key West Sunset Sail
Always a great show before the dark.

Heading out to sea
Departing Key West Harbor.

Do you take?
Key West marriage at sunset with photographer, female preacher and a boat full of friends and family.

St Clair River
Looking at the USA Side and behind me is the Canada shore

Offshore World Championship Key West
Two of the boats in the unlimited class which have a top speed potential of around 200mph. Races are held every November in Key West FL.

Twin turbine engines
Key West power boat racing

Catamaran Class
Power boat racing Key West

Quiet Color
Fishing at sunrise in Wisconsin.

Photographer & Rescue Swimmers
Key West powerboat racing

USS Cobia
USS Cobia was launched November 28, 1943, in Groton, CT. In June 1944, she began the first of six war patrols in which she sank thirteen Japanese vessels. By July 1944, Cobia had established herself in the annals of World War II sub history by attacking an enemy convoy bound for Japanese-held Iwo Jima. In 1986, Cobia was incorporated as a part of the Manitowoc Maritime Museum in Wisconsin, declared a National Historic Landmark, and placed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Disney Ship Departing
Spinning 180 degrees to exit the Key West harbor via the shipping channel.

Powerboat Race Week
This is race week in Key West with 71 boats competing over a period of 7 days. The photography is challenging due to the speeds and angles.

Shrimper Returning With Its Catch

Docked & Lookin Good
Just pulled in for a stay in Key West.

Offshore Powerboat Racing
Key West hosts a weeklong long event every November with 3 days of practice and 3 days of racing.


America 2.0
Looks like a wonderfull evening for a sunset sail in Key West.

Triple Masted Beauty
Moored in Key West

Powerboat Racing

Race Week
Key West powerboat races

Cruise ship spinning 180 degrees to leave port. Being directly behind the ship offered an interesting perspective of a very unique design.

Sailing into the sunset
Key West which is no surprise.

Evening Sail
Yet another Key West sunset sail photo. As someone who likes to look through a camera it's hard not to go "click" at these scenes.

Coming up close and fast
After escorting the ship from the harbor to deep water it is time to run alongside and pick up the pilot. We have matched the speed of the cruise ship and will be pulling up where you see the open hatch. The pilot boat captain will push us against the ship while my friend Chuck, the harbor pilot, climbs down the ladder onto the pilot boat. We then motor off, the cruise ship departs for its next port of call and we return to Key West. I'm standing in the back leaning over the side, my left hand it holding a camera while my right hand has a very tight grip on a ladder rail. It's a very thrilling experience.

Rush Hour
One ship heading out of the channel while the other waits its turn.

Painted Look
It was very windy and the air was full of salt spray so this very high resolution photo looks to me like a painting.

Afternoon Sail
One of the resident sailboats in Key West that take people out for a few hours every afternoon and evening. These always make for photo worthy events.

Schooner Wharf
Key West waterfront is tightly packed with boats of all sizes, people, bars and restaurants. Here is the Miss Key West, a shrimper and 86' windjammer the Appledore II. I think it would make an interesting jigsaw puzzle.

Full Sail
Afternoon sail on the America 2.0 off Key West FL

High winds bring the shrimp fleet in to anchor until the seas calm down. This photo was taken at extreme distance and capability of the lens. I then cropped (reduced) it to 5% of the original size. What made it even more difficult was the boats were moving while anchored in the wind. But given all this, I like the way it turned out.

Race week
Rescue swimmers aboard a helicopter chase a 42 foot, 2200 horsepower racer powered by a 14-liter, 16-cylinder engine during race week in Key West.

Perspective only
Docked in Key West this cruise ship takes on monstrous proportions in comparison to the passengers waiting to board. I took this photo on a walk through town with a black and white camera. Without color in photos I often struggle to find something else to give it interest.

This was 1/2 way through it's 180' spin when I took this. She's turning to the left before heading out the shipping channel towards it's next port.

Day For Sailing
America 2.0 is a large sailboat that winters in Key West giving day and sunset sails. This particular day it was extremely windy.

200′ of Fun
Anchored off Key West visiting during the powerboat race week.

Powerboat Racing 2022
These two have just finished a 180 degree turn and are now in full throttle at over 100mph heading out to the Gulf of Mexico. They are close to the pier on Sunset Key with Key West in the background.

Every morning
The activity is the same but every morning there is a new background.

Front Row Seats
Every evening boats of all types and sizes head out with friends or customers to watch the famous Key West sunsets.

Surprise Docking
10/20/2021: This ship made an unscheduled stop in Key West to have a sick passenger taken off. As there were no line handlers the ship had to hold itself against the pier using its very powerful side thrusters as it could not be tied. Passenger was removed, ship spun 180 degrees and slipped out of the harbor towards the shipping channel and on to its next scheduled port.

Race Start
Key West Offshore Powerboats. In 2021 they raced 3 days, 4 races per day by class of boats. This was the start of the second race. The pace boat, a few frames back was flying a yellow flag telling the boats to remain in line with it. This green flag tells them they may accelerate and begin to race.

Docking at dawn
These ships would quite often glide in at first light to dock in Key West. What always amazed me was even at this short distance, these huge ships never made a sound when arriving.

Key West Sail Races
These three racers are in the 80' class. Each has a crew of about 15 very fit young men.

When you see the shrimp boats anchored you know winds and rough water are coming.

Jet Fuel Delivery
This will be docking near the Key West Coast Guard Station where it will offload jet fuel to be used at the Boca Chica Naval Air Station.

Returning to Station
Very rough seas were building fast.

Tugs helping
this barge into docking position to offload its cargo of jet fuel which will be pumped miles away to the Naval Air Station. I was able to get this and many other up close photos due to my friend allowing me the privilege to ride on the harbor pilot boat while he's up on the bridge overseeing the docking.

Trying to get back in the harbor
This weather came up during a sailboat race.

Miss Key West
Built in the 70s this shrimp boat just returned to Key West after being gone for over 50 years. High winds the last few days brought all shrimpers back in to anchor till the seas calmed down. This was parked close by so I took this photo then had to research what I was looking at. Turns out the owners found it in N Carolina and spent the last 3 tears making it seaworthy. Now the crew takes the vessel out for 10-12 days at a time. On average, they’ll catch shrimp for about 20 days out of the month. Over time, Key West lost the infrastructure needed to support shrimping so they manage the process from start to finish. He catches the shrimp then distributes it up and down the Keys with a freezer truck.

The Apex
With the right light, angle and color these large ships create quite the contrast against water, sky and land.

SS Badger
Built in 1952 it transported trains, trucks and autos across Lake Michigan. In 1992 it was reconfigured to carry cargo, trucks and autos. It is the only steam powered ferry still operating in the USA.

Key West Visitor
With it's protected harbor (and really fun place to visit) many ships stop for various reasons. Years ago this visitor sailed by and I took its picture. I wish I remembered something about it but I've since forgotten what I once knew.

Jolly Roger
Taken from the America 2.0. This pirate ship likes to fire its canon at other boats out enjoying a sail.

And they’re off!
Key West powerboat race. Four Super Boat class racers in close, about to head into open seas. They will make 10-12 laps on a triangular course stretching over 8-10 miles. This class of boat can reach almost 200mph on smooth water.

Not Mine
I would be very happy to own the very pretty boat tied to its stern.

Steam Powered Yacht
One of three on Lake Geneva in Wisconsin.

One can only imagine the interior
When one of these mega yachts pulls in, most people Google the name to see pictures of the interior spaces.

The Spin
Holland America ship making a 180 degree turn to depart Key West harbor

Nicole Rules
The 1st race was scheduled for today on 11/9 but due to Tropical Storm Nicole it has been postponed. I asked someone if they race in bad weather and was told they will race if the rescue helicopters can fly. When a boat flips a hovering helicopter will drop rescue divers so if the winds make this difficult they can't race. They are scheduled to also race Friday and Sunday so hopefully the Nicole will be in a better mood.

Spinning Disney Ship
Standing on Sunset Key with Key West in the background. Because the harbor is a "dead end" all ships must turn around and head back out the way they came in. I love watching these huge ships to their spin.

America 2.0
Sailboat that gives rides in Key West

3am photo
Moonset required a long shutter opening. Fortunately it was calm out or the yacht would have blurry.

Foggy Afternoon
Like ghost ships sailing past one another.

Turbine Powered Racer
Over 150 mph, 10 feet away and you can see his eyes.

Kite Boarding

Crab & Lobster Boat – Key West

Brave Boaters
Used to come to the Florida Keys. Imagine taking a styrofoam boat all the way from Cuba.

Lake Superior Traffic


Power Boat Racing
Key West Offshore Powerboat Racing - twin turbine engine powered

Foreign Training Sailboat
Can't recall the country it was from but it seemed creeper by young sailor cadets.

Heading out to sea


Hard to imagine a more exquisite yacht
Owned by Mrs. Steve Jobs, the Venus, visiting Key West, is 260' in length.

Sail Racing

America 2.0
Schooner America 2.0 is the newest, largest, most elegant sailing boat designed for Classic Harbor Line.
LOA: 105’
Draft: 10.5’
Beam: 20’
Rig Height: 84’
Freeboard: 4’
Sail Area 3,600 Square Feet
She features shroudless carbon fiber spars, a two part hull with a removable, aluminum deadwood section for water and fuel tanks and features electric motors for propulsion. Her hull is constructed out of an end-grain balsa core, sandwiched between two layers of Port Orford Cedar over wooden laminated frames, an aluminum cabin structure with integrated mast supports, and bullwarks and cabin soles constructed out of plascore, an aluminum honey comb material, for improved strength and additional weight savings.
She was launched in August 2011 and is Classic Harbor Lines’ flagship vessel at Chelsea Piers. She spends her winters in Key West from November to April.

USS Cole
Being escorted into Key West

Offshore Powerboat Racing
Key West

By the US Coast Guard Key West FL

US Coast Guard
Key West station

Offshore Powerboat Racing
Key West

Sailboat racing
Key West

Special Forces Training
Key West

Navy Ship
Departing Key West

Wisconsin regatta

Waiting to cast off
Artsy Ships Key West

Navy Ship
Visiting Key West

River Boat Trip
Rhine River

Key West
Sail Racing

These racing boats are in the 80′ class.
Sailboat Race Preparation Key West

Key West Catamaran Trials
Serious Sailing