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New and Old
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Miami Street Art

Took this in the Wynwood Walls district.
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Fair Foto Fun

While taking a night photo of a moving ride at the fair I simply zoom in or out just a little which creates something different.
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Colors of age

I was in a time capsule of a house dating back to the 1950s and this just caught my eye.
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Neon Boneyard – Las Vegas

A non-profit dedicated to rescuing and preserving electric signs from around Las Vegas. Once a month they flip the switch on the working signs and invite people in to take beautiful photographs.
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Night Airshow

At the night airshow a plane enters my field of view from the left, performs a loop while occasionally launching fireworks from its wingtips then exits my view to the right. All this while flying over fireworks being launched from the ground.
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Old barn old glass

Here i a photo of a reflection of an old barn behind me that is showing in very old glass in front of me.
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Sand Dunes Sunrise

Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park in Utah features uniquely pink-hued sand dunes located beside red sandstone cliffs. The dunes are formed from the erosion of pink-colored Navajo Sandstone surrounding the park. High winds pick up loose sand particles and then drop them onto the dunes. The 3,300 acres of dunes are estimated to be between 10,000 and 15,000 years old. Wikipedia
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Fremont Street

Downtown Las Vegas has been erecting old refurbished neon signs which is really helping the area hold on to its gambling history.
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Art Vendor As Art

Walking down Duval Street in Key West I thought the art vendor display as a whole was, to my amateur I clicked.
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The Key West Strand

The Strand Theater opened in the mid-1920s as a single screen movie house that sat around 800 people. The theater closed sometime in the early 1980s and reopened as a nightclub. It remained open as a few other nightclubs until it became a Ripley's Believe It Or Not museum in 1993. The theater was again closed in 2002. It has since reopened as a Walgreens drug store. Based on research, over the past 20 years the marquee had become damaged with parts even missing. Walgreens restored the marquee to its original status. All of the interior has been removed and/or covered over with the exception of the balcony.
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Sea Grass

Walking on a coral reef during low tide and bright sunlight offers interesting combinations of color.
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Ferris Wheel

Amusement rides with their color and motion are fun to photograph after dark. Here, once it began moving I opened the cameras shutter to let the light it, after a few turns I slowly zoomed in and out. These types of photos are always a surprise, like painting wearing a blindfold.
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The Kiss Statue

At night, in front of the Key West Customs House
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Nose Art

Nose art is a decorative painting or design on the fuselage of an aircraft, usually on the front fuselage. While begun for practical reasons of identifying friendly units, the practice evolved to express the individuality often constrained by the uniformity of the military, to evoke memories of home and peacetime life, and as a kind of psychological protection against the stresses of war and the probability of death.
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Alley Redecorating

What once was a rather ordinary bland alley has now become (IMHO) photo worthy after artists got involved in a beautification project.
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Stained Glass

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How to dress up a city block

Walking along the Milwaukee River, an area of abandoned warehouses and factories when I came upon this beautiful mural which was about 3x larger than what you see here.
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Makes one look up

On a walk with a black and white camera in downtown Milwaukee I saw this in an old warehouse district near the river. The hard working hands are very well done.
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Air Show Artistry

Night airshow maneuvers as seen with a long shutter opening.
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Alley Art

Walking in an old neighborhood in Milwaukee I came upon this alley behind a restaurant which looked bright and colorful. On both sides were a dozen nice murals. One even had a small flower garden planted in front of it.
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Light and Symmetry

The buildings on the Las Vegas Strip offer wonderful combinations of color, light and design.
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Cuban Art

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Plate Glass Art

A fraction of what you see was through the glass while most of it is behind me reflecting into it.
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Another thing along that same road

Along the same fence but way different...possibly another family member likes to also weld.
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Rescued & Retired

For many years a non-profit has been saving old Las Vegas signage from the wrecking ball. They collect them in storage yard, light them and allow photographers in once a month. Some are refurbished and installed in the boulevards around Fremont Street. Day or night hey are beautiful examples of historic Downtown Las Vegas.
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Night Airshow Eaa

Some of my favorite time playing with a camera.
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Long Retired Buick

Many years spent retired in a Georgia forrest.
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Carved Sand

Lit up...maybe 7-8 feet tall, very cool.
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Blue & Bright

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Truman Annex

Park at the entrance to Key West's Annex.
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Bellagio Hotel Ceiling

Designed by famous glass artist, Dale Chihuly.
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Falling Man

The Falling Man site is located in Gold Butte National Monument. This is one of the most stunning landscapes in the Southwest…beautifully colored red Aztec sandstone, along with purple and orange rocks. The rock art in this location has many layers of history, being used by several generations over the millennia. Estimates date the rock art between 700 years old for the newest petroglyphs to 7,000 years old for the very oldest. The name “falling man” comes from a single image of a man that appears to be falling, located on the cliff wall. Based on the image and its location on a high narrow edge of a it’s easy to think that this was some form of memorial for an individual that fell. Per Guide
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Wynwood Walls

The Wynwood Art District in Miami contains galleries, outdoor murals and private art collections. It was conceived in 2009 as a way to revitalize the neighborhood by turning warehouses into works of art. Formerly an industrial district, the area is now known for the murals that cover the walls of many of the buildings and much of the sidewalks. Wikipedia This building contains an arts and crafts business. This mural, and all the art I saw in the area, was done using spray cans.
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Artsy Fronds

B&W camera gives them a silver and black color with a grey white sky. I should walk around and shoot various palm types, pretty artsy, in my opinion.
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Sand Carving

Annual sand carving contest in Key West
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Flagler Rail Bridge

Used as a railroad bridge to Key West then converted to a highway bridge before being abandoned.
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Perfectly engineered illusion

Easy to photograph but impossible to get the full effect. This glass case was about a foot tall and 3 wide. The reflections and angles made it appear as if there were thousands of bottles in a space the size of a warehouse, seen from any angle.
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A favorite

Wonderful seafood, atmosphere and sign.
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Street Walking

Side of a building in Key West. I purposely shot it a little out of focus to make it all blend together.
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Spray Can Art

This 8x12 foot wall painting was done with spray cans. There is an area in Miami called Wynwood Walls which is covered in graffiti like this.
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Sometimes it’s photo worthy

Somewhere in California
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Mallory Square

Walked past this really old tree in front of an old wall and happened to have my black & white camera with me. I was in an area of Key West called Old Town where people gather nightly to watch the sunsets.
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Billboard Improvement

Along an old highway in So California
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Alley art

Downtown Las Vegas asks artists to paint their alleys. After some time the city will spray white paint allowing the artists to redecorate.
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Reflection Fun

Walking around downtown Milwaukee taking photos.
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At the fair

This is an amusement ride after sunset. I let the camera take a series of photos where the shutter is left open for 2 seconds. While it captures the 2 seconds of movement I will move the camera or lens to create something like this.
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Night Airshow Performer

Best way to describe this is a 102 second motion captured in one photo. So, the plane enters my field of view from the left so I open the cameras shutter and hold it open while the plane flies completely off screen to the right, loops back in front of me to the left, performs 3 loops and exits again to my right so I close my cameras shutter. All the while the plane is launching fireworks from its wingtips.
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Out walking

on some side street in Las Vegas and came upon these 3 doors of an abandoned building. They were so wonderfully vandalized it looked to me as there was some plan. For a while this was printed and hanging in my house.
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Hay Art

What one discovers on the backroads.
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Pawn shop wall art

Nicely decorated wall of the parking lot. The Stratosphere hotel, my walking destination, towers over it.
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Brick rear view mirror

Maybe 8am in an old warehouse district in Milwaukee. I found myself facing the sun which is blocked by this building but lighting the buildings behind me which is reflected in the windows of this building. Another good 2500 piece jigsaw puzzle.
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Waiting for a train

There's something in photography called "leading lines" that if captured should lead your eyes into the photo causing interest. I took it in color but I converted it to B&W because the color seemed to get in the way.
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Neon Boneyard Las Vegas

Opened 30 years ago, the Neon Boneyard contains more than 250 unrestored signs which are illuminated with ground lighting as well as 26 restored signs which are on all the time. 2 of the 26, the Riviera and Fitzgeralds, were received in working condition.
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Las Vegas Neon Museum

Once a month they open and light up the yard for photographers. It is a beautiful place offering very colorful night camera fun, which one can say about a large portion of Las Vegas. Anyway, here is what their website has to say about the museum: Founded in 1996, The Neon Museum is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to collecting, preserving, studying, and exhibiting iconic Las Vegas signs for educational, historic, arts and cultural enrichment.
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Alley Art

A couple areas of Las Vegas have alleys that attract graffiti. Some art is very well done while others is as they say, in the eye of the beholder.
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New and Old

Daylily outside an 1800s home in Wisconsin. I walked up to this window thinking I was going to take a photo of what was behind me in some very old wavy glass but it was in the shade. The flower was lit nicely so it seemed to work against the drab old wooden building.
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Newspaper Rock

Within the 527 square miles of Utahs Canyonlands National Park you'll find this petroglyph panel etched in sandstone that records approximately 2,000 years of early human activity etched on the rock from B.C. time to A.D. 1300. Scholars are undecided as to the figures meanings. In Navajo, the rock is called Rock that tells a story. This panel is about 8x12 feet with many other panels located throughout the park.
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Art is very subjective

Streetwalking on Las Vegas Boulevard you come across all kinds of reflections, shapes and colors. Sometimes when I eliminate color it makes everything else stand out.
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Cannery Row

Cannery Row is the waterfront street bordering the city of Pacific Grove in Monterey, California. It was the site of a number of now-defunct sardine canning factories. The last cannery closed in 1973. This mural is painted on an old Cannery wall.
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While visiting an art museum in Miami this lady was holding frames over art for her own art project and trying to take photos of them so I helped her for a little while.
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Farm House Reflection

I like trying to get an interesting wall of texture combined with what's behind me. As a bonus, like this photo, it's reflecting in very old wavy glass. This is a farmhouse window and barn taken in Wisconsin.
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Fisherman’s Wharf – Monterrey CA

Walked to the end of the dock looking for a place to sit and eat some smoked salmon. Glanced down and saw these boats lined up.
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key West Harbor

I took this through a glass ball I was holding.
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Reflection Puzzle

Old mine in Nevada which has a wonderful assortment of junk offers many photo opportunities, if of course you like junk.
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Miami Street Art

Note how the spray can artist flowed the scene onto the sidewalk.
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.32-.45 cents a gallon

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Old warehouse

In the old industrial area of Milwaukee near the river are very old abandoned warehouses, grain elevators, boat yards etc. The windows and doors surrounded by the masonary work then graffitied is interesting to look at.
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Reflection Puzzle

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Sea Bottom

Walking in the Florida Keys water during low tide creates many different images. Here the water was maybe 6" deep when I took this. The photo never impressed me until a friend had it printed on a 2'x4' piece of metal.
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Vegas street walking

Between the Strip and Downtown there is this depressed area the city has named the Art District. With the hope it will attract a reason to visit the city asked spray can artists to color vacant storefronts and alleys which camouflages the existing graffiti. There are a sprinkling of restaurants, bars and shops mixed in with vacant lots and stores so they appear to making headway in an economic transformation. With all that said it is a wonderful place to wander up and down streets and alleys with a camera.
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Las Vegas Neon

Near downtown Las Vegas there is a non-profit organization that has been saving old outdoor signs from destruction. For a donation you can enter their yard and view the signs. Once a month you can make a larger donation and enter after dark for the purpose of taking photographs. About 2/3rds of the signs are lit in some fashion so against a dusky sky they make for some interesting photos.
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Art District

Between the Strip and Fremont Street areas in Las Vegas there is what's called the Art District. Formerly (and currently) a run down area of old buildings the city has been improving infrastructure and trying to renew the 30 some block area. It now has a scattering of restaurants, galleries, auto repair shops, vacant stores etc. I assume it will someday thrive as the Strip & Fremont Street areas converge but now it's an area that to my eye is struggling. Some old walls, alleys and vacant store fronts are covered in beautiful graffiti which is fun to photograph.
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The Bean

The structure is made up of 168 stainless steel plates that are welded together. The polished exterior has no visible seams, making it completely smooth. The inside is largely made up of a solid wooden structure. It measures 33 x 66 x 42 feet, weighing in at 110 short tons. So, it’s pretty big. When in Chicago I have no problem taking lots of photos.
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Last Supper

Outside the abandoned mining town of Rhyolite Nevada someone erected this sculpture and one other strange "artwork". Nothing much else there except bad buildings, car shell and a bad totem pole.
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Forest Light

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Alley Walking

Between the Las Vegas Strip and the downtown area (Fremont Street) there's an area that is....neither of those. Graffiti artists have taken over the alleys so it is fun to walk around with a camera.
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Petronia Street

Very colorful area of Key West located in Bahama Village.
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Girl From The Hood

This was painted on a car hood at an auto show.
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Trick Photo

I was in a botanical garden in Bonita Springs and in one of the ponds I saw this reflection of what was over my head.
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Behind Me

On a boat looking at what's behind me in the glass building in front of me.
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Yes, simply dried cracked Utah earth. A friend pointed at our feet and said it would make a cool photo to which some may agree.
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Multi Dimensional

I like trying to capture layers utilizing reflections. If the glass is old, wavy or even broken it adds something.
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3D Chalk Art

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The Green Parrot Bar

Key West In 1890, on the southeast corner of Southard and Whitehead streets, diagonally across from the Monroe County Courthouse, Anthony Sanchez opened a grocery store. And under its low-pitched roof, Cuban and Bahamian transplants accompanied their staples of rice and beans and plantanos with rum, cigars, and infectious Latin rhythms in the grocery’s small back room, where local musicians created impromptu descargas or jam sessions, often playing late into the night. And it continues to this day.
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Concert in Austria

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Key West FL

Duval Street Trash
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EAA Oshkosh WI

Night airshow with a long exposure
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Cruise Ship Dock bustle Key West

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Underwater Art

This was painted on metal and photographed while submerged in salt water. I did not take this photo but was impressed enough that I wanted to share it with you.
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Hanging Art in Germany

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European street

bronze sculpture
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Building reflection on building

Chicago from the river
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Stain Glass

Beautiful colors caught my eye.
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Alley Art

Back Alley Key West
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Lone Apple

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Had an old Nikon camera that would let me use this effect,

Artsy photo
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The coverings are painted with the flowers they sell.

Amsterdam flower market