Monsoon Season Begins
The desert just woke up … The air smelt of creosote, and the distinctive olive-green bush with oily leaves was filled with bright yellow flowers. Wildflowers and a barrel cactus, withered and dry a few days ago, were blooming… dragonflies and birds filled the air, lizards, quail and roadrunners scuttled on the ground, a jackrabbit hopping across the trail, and a cardinal, with its bright red plumage flying by. Sunset brings bats, the sounds of frogs and the howl of coyotes. The desert awakes…

Two Pots of Gold
Pine Mountain Utah

Key West FL
Another beautiful sunset

Cedar Breaks National Monument
Cedar Breaks National Monument is a U.S. National Monument located in the U.S. state of Utah near Cedar City. Cedar Breaks is a natural amphitheater, stretching across 3 miles, with a depth of over 2,000 feet. The elevation of the rim of the amphitheater is over 10,000 feet above sea level. Wikipedia

Dazzling Sunrise
Wisconsin Best

Shallow Water
Walking on the reef at low tide. The depth here is just a few inches which reveals water plants.

Joshua Trees in Gold Butte
Gold Butte National Monument is located northeast of Las Vegas and south of Mesquite. The monument protects nearly 300,000 acres of desert landscapes featuring a wide array of natural and cultural resources, including rock art, sandstone towers, and important wildlife habitat for species including the Mojave Desert tortoise, bighorn sheep, and mountain lion. The area also protects historic ranching and mining sites such as the ghost town of Gold Butte. Wikipedia

Fog Frame
This sunrise is nicely framed with fog.

Pine Mountain Utah

Adult Ibis
Ibises all have long, downcurved bills, and usually feed as a group, probing mud for food items, usually crustaceans. They are monogamous and highly territorial while nesting and feeding. Most nest in trees, often with spoonbills or herons. Wikipedia

This one sent a strong message to the boaters that day.

It’s real
I am fortunate to be able to get so many beautiful sunrise photos. And if the water is smooth......ah....reflection bonus.

Garden Fireworks
Took this in my mother's garden.

Great Blue Heron
The white form of the Great Blue Heron, known as the "great white heron," is found nearly exclusively in shallow marine waters along the coast of very southern Florida, the Yucatan Peninsula, and in the Caribbean. They hunt both day and night and can live over 20 years.

Aspen Grove
Beautiful bright hike amongst white bark trees.

Gunlock State Park
For much of the year, Gunlock experiences relatively low traffic. Gunlock Reservoir is a small, quiet body of water where you can fish for bass and catfish. Others enjoy participating in water sports like wakeboarding and waterskiing.
During certain times of the year, the reservoir gets full enough that the Gunlock waterfalls begin to flow into the Santa Clara River. This typically happens in early spring, as snow starts to melt. When the falls are active, the area gets much busier than usual but It’s worth it, however, to get a glimpse of the water jetting over Southern Utah’s signature red rocks. Utah Travel Site

Pretty Bird
Bird of Paradise on a walk in Pacific Grove CA

Sunset Spectacular
Key West rarely disappoints.

Horse Ranch
Located in a very deep valley alongside a river with Zion National Park as background.

Barbados lily

Weighing 15-33 lbs, the bobcat is a nocturnal, generally solitary cat equally at home in forests and deserts; it is less inclined to climb trees or swim. It feeds on rodents, rabbits, hares, and some birds. Wikipedia
I found him in front of the house and was surprised how close he let me get. The reason was he had a rabbit trapped below him that was hiding behind a cactus, neither wanting to move. Eventually the cat stood up and slowly walked away from both of us.

Winter In Gunlock Utah

Posing Pelican
This immature brown pelican seemed to be asking to have his picture taken. After almost 20 years in Florida I've seen my share of pelicans but this one in particular was really striking a perfect pose.

Key West sunset

Gunlock Reservoir Overflow
Fed by a record snowpack in the surrounding mountains, the waterfalls at the Gunlock Reservoir near St. George UT is flowing again and unleashing a torrent of water and visitors.
It’s the third time in the past five years the water from the reservoir has cascaded over the dam and spilled onto the cliffside rocks, creating the rare waterfalls that lure visitors from all over Utah and southern Nevada. Text credit: The Salt Lake Tribune

US 1 at sunset
Bridge connecting two Florida keys.


The Pacific Coast Highway is about 1600 miles of photo opportunities. It follows the coast from Seattle to San Diego. This photo was taken along the 600 mile section in California near Big Sur.

Orchids are one of the two largest families of flowering plants. There are over 28,000 currently accepted species of orchids and horticulturists have produced more than 100,000 hybrids. The number of orchid species is nearly equal to the number of bony fishes, more than twice the number of bird species, and about four times the number of mammal species. (Wikipedia)

Found this nest in a cactus about knee height. Though low, the cactus thorns offered protection from predators such as the roadrunner.

As seen on tv
I'm not a golfer but I've heard this is one of the iconic cypress trees seen along the ocean on a particular hole at Pebble Beach CA.

Melting Sun

A full double over the Red Mountains in Ivins Utah

Blue Morning
Little contrast but superb reflection

Purple Coneflower
with big bee

Moms Garden
I'm not sure what type of plant it is but I like the way the yellow flower contrasts everything else.

Purple Coneflower
With Wisconsin visitor

The day begins
Wisconsin morning color

Desert Color
Ivins Utah is on the outskirts of St George bordered by red sandstone mountains, a Paiute reservation and large tracts of BLM land. The elevation is is about 3500', almost anything can be grown with supplementary water, snow come 2x/year but rarely lasts past 10am. Air is dry, rarely gets below freezing, it gets hot in July and August without the extremes of nearby Arizona and Nevada. The soil is orange due to the sandstone mountains behind me. Spring color begins in February as the temperatures climb with the falling rain.

Sunset Key West
Through a "fisheye" lens.

Cardinal Flower

Pacific Grove CA is called PG for those lucky enough to live there. This mornings color was nicely muted by a little fog.

Joshua Tree
Taken in Nevada at Gold Butte National Monument. This tree is about 10' tall and gets large white flowers when in bloom.

Keys Sunset
Sunset sail in Key West.

Wisconsin Sunrise

Labor Day 1935
The death of Flagler’s railroad happened on Labor Day in 1935. It began when the barometer started dropping. Nobody knew that the most powerful hurricane to ever hit the United States was on its way.
In the 200-mph winds the railroad cars were blown off the track. Only the locomotive, which weighed 320,000 pounds, stood up to the storm. More than 400 bodies were recovered. Most had drowned though others were killed by flying debris.The Flagler railroad was lost too.
When I drive across the New Seven Mile Bridge now I crane my neck to look at the Old Seven Mile Bridge and I see ghosts.
Jeff Klinkenberg - Historian

Hear it?
Some photos just naturally come with a soundtrack.

Pretty Morning
Wisconsin Sunrise

Sunrise Surprise
Sitting on the dock focusing, one eye closed, on the sunrise and distant clouds, this rower appears in my viewfinder. He was so silent I never heard him coming.

Gambel’s quail
Gambel's quail primarily move about by walking and can move surprisingly fast through brush and undergrowth. They are rarely seen in flight. Any flight is usually short and explosive, with many rapid wingbeats, followed by a slow glide to the ground. In the spring, Gambel's quail pair off for mating and become very aggressive toward other pairs. The female typically lays 10–12 eggs concealed in vegetation, often at the base of a rock or tree. The chicks leave the nest with their parents within hours of hatching. Wikipedia

Cedar Breaks
The far peak is 11,300 feet. It's accessible by preferably 4WD vehicle a few months a year.

Big Sky Country
The clouds were so nice I had to pull over between Lees Ferry AZ and the Grand Canyon North Rim.

Gunlock Reservoir
Gunlock Reservoir is located in the scenic red rock country of southwestern Utah. It is a pretty little reservoir popular for boating and other water sports. It offers good fishing at times, particularly for largemouth bass and channel catfish.

Dense Blazing Star

Zion National Park

Key West sunset
Took my camera down to the water last night and as the sun was melting into the horizon these two boats nicely lined up for me.

Water drops on the lens glass but a very pretty sight.

A very serious bird
Not sure what kind of hawk this is but they are pretty common in SW Utah.

South Dakota

Rising star
Wisconsin sunrise over Pewaukee Lake.

Top of the world
Brian Head peak Utah at almost 12,000 feet. On the dark side I've seen snow drifts in July. There was a small old stone shelter up here until last month when severe winds destroyed it.

Bumble Bee Buzz
This Day Lily with bee photo was taken at the Boerner Botanical gardens in Milwaukee. The Bumble bee lives in underground colonies with anywhere from 50 to 500 individuals. The buzzing sound you hear when they are on flowers is them vibrating by shivering their flight muscles at particular frequencies to help dislodge pollen from the anthers of flowers.

Black-eyed Susan

Claret Cup Cactus
Grows quite easily is SW Utah

Hard to beat
Wind, surf, sunrise, beautiful clouds and a partial double rainbow all in one Key West morning.

Full Sun
I was in a field with thousands of sunflowers. I found it interesting the number of insects that were in and around them making the field buzz.

Mirrored Color
Smooth Wisconsin lake, total silence and a colorful dawn.

Standing in one place, shoot right then left
On this rare snow covered morning I quickly set up my camera on the edge of a wash. I turned right and shot up the wash towards the Red Mountain that borders Snow Canyon State Park then turned the camera left and took another down the wash towards the Beaver Dam mountains. I spent the previous 2-3 hours in the park taking other photos of snow covered red sandstone, sand dunes and black lava. I had to move fast because in Ivins Utah snow like this only falls every couple of years and is gone in as many hours.


Leopard Lily

Sunrise Key West
Old dock pilings on the Atlantic ocean side.

Florida Keys

Wisconsin Sunrise
Taken over Pewaukee Lake towards Lake Michigan which is about 50 miles away.

Wisconsin Orange Lily

A Key West Sunset
Including Fred (really) trying to get his picture taken.

Pine Valley State Park
Located is SW Utah at an altitude that allows for snow all winter but only 30 minutes away is St George Utah that rarely ever gets snow.

Aspen Forest
Northern Utah in the Park City area.

Fireball Rising
Almost impossible to photograph the sun without clouds. Even with their help I have to lower the amount of light coming into the camera. This reduces the light everywhere except the the sun, and its reflection. The fisherman floated by at just the right moment to make for a much more interesting photo.

On Patrol
Florida Keys brown pelicans

Beautiful Lines
More of natures perfect design work

White Pocket
White Pocket is a National Monument in Utah and also an appropriate name for this photo. Like many National Monuments out her, there are no amenities such as water, toilets or camping sites and the roads require a capable vehicle.

Eurasian Crane
Taken at the International Crane Foundation that works worldwide to conserve cranes and the ecosystems, watersheds, and flyways on which they depend. From our nearly 300-acre headquarters in Baraboo, Wisconsin, our reach extends across the globe. We have offices and staff in China, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia and South Africa, as well as Texas, and work through local organizations, governments, universities, businesses and others in these regions. Our more than 125 staff and associates work with a network of hundreds of specialists in over 50 countries on five continents. ICF Website
HEIGHT: 4 ft WEIGHT: 12 lbs WINGSPAN: 7 ft POPULATION: 700,000

Most likely....

Tropical golden hour
An hour after sunrise and sunset are called the golden hours during which time the light really nice for taking certain types of photos. I took this while walking a beach in Key West.

Red Mountain
This is in Ivins Utah which is about 100 miles from Las Vegas. The Navajo sandstone give it the red colors. There is a housing development at the base of the mountain and a beautiful outdoor amphitheater on the other side.

Orange Daylily

Calf Creek Canyon
Beautiful waterfall up ahead but I loved this part of the trail

White Hibiscus – WI
Took this photo in my mother's garden in Wisconsin

Lily Art
Boerner Botanical Gardens in Milwaukee has a large variety of whatever is in bloom when you visit.

Black-eyed Susan

I usually just walk by flowers quickly glancing at them but when I spend a moment looking at a photo I realize how amazing they really are.

Foggy fishing
Wisconsin sunrise through a heavy layer of fog.

Temple of Sun and Moon
This is one of the many sites along the 73 mile Cathedral Valley loop which is located partially in Capital Reef National Park. You may be able to make out the people in the shadowy right corner for some scale. The nearest town is Hanksville Utah.

Joshua tree
For scale this branch and flower is about 30" wide, the tree had 11 flowers and was 20' tall making it between 500 and maybe 1,000 years old. I took the photo last week in the Joshua Tree Byway area which borders Nevada, Utah & Arizona.
About the tree: First, they are not a tree but a Yucca plant that happens to resemble the size and growth pattern of a tree. They grow a fairly limited range within the Mojave Desert of California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. They only grow between elevations of 2,000 and 6,000 feet. They tend to grow from 15 to 40 feet tall, usually only adding 2 to 3 inches each year. It will take around half a century for a Joshua Tree to reach full size. Wikipedia

Navajo slot canyon
Slot canyons are formed by the erosion of Navajo Sandstone due to flash flooding and other sub-aerial processes. Rainwater, especially during monsoon season, runs into the extensive basin above the slot canyon sections, picking up speed and sand as it rushes into the narrow passageways. Over time the passageways eroded away, deepening the corridors and smoothing hard edges to form characteristic "flowing" shapes. Wikipedia
This particular one is in Page AZ called Cardiac Canyon which reaches a depth of 100-160 feet. They allow only 4 visitors a day led by 2 Navajo guides. We had to make reservations almost a year in advance.

Sundown Key West
Looking south towards Cuba the sun is setting to my right. The sunset was nothing photo worthy but it nicely lit
up this southernly direction.

Great White
Egret passing by off Big Pine Key FL

Yellow daylily

Horseshoe geranium

Canna Indian Shot
Taken at Boerner Botanical Gardens in Milwaukee. Leica 24-90 76mm f5.6 1/25