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The osprey known as sea hawk, river hawk, and fish hawk, is a fish-eating bird of prey. It is a large raptor, reaching more than 24 in length and 71 in across the wings. Wikipedia I took this photo in the Florida Everglades.
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Key West Florida

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Road Runner

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Mexican Gold Poppies Desert Bloom

Hundreds of acres of Mexican Golden Poppies bloom in abundance at Gold Butte National Monument in Nevada.
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Morning movie

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Sturgeon Bay Ship Canal North Pierhead Light

This impressive structure is located at the fully operational U.S. Coast Guard station on the Lake Michigan end of the Sturgeon Bay ship canal. The Pierhead navigation light was built in 1882, and the station was built with a tower light in 1899, renovated in 1903, and automated in 1972. The lower level breakwall is the only section of the grounds that are open to the public.
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Wisconsin Sunrise

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Low Fireworks

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Florida Keys Bahia Honda Bridge

The Bahia Honda railroad bridge was originally built by Henry Flagler as part of the FEC's Overseas Railroad. Opened in 1912, The Labor Day Hurricane of 1935 destroyed much of the line and it was purchased by the state of Florida and converted for highway use in 1938. A new four-lane bridge was built and opened in 1972, a few hundred yards north of the old bridge, replacing the former route of U.S. 1. Wikipedia
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Sunrise in Wisconsin

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Garden Firework

Not sure what it is but the color and structure is beautiful.
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Arizona Slot Canyon

Looking up about 80'-100' from the canyon floor you can see a log jammed from a flood. The sandstone canyon was formed by erosion and flash floods over 8-60 million years.
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One who hasn’t won a beauty contest

Came across this alligator in Everglades National Park.
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Sunrise in Wisconsin

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Manatee Nose

Walking along the seawall I saw this very large Manatee under water so I waited for it to surface for a breath of air. As it surfaced I took a few photos but I liked this one the best.
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Utah Double

Red Mountains in Ivins Utah
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Yellow Umbrella

Saw this single bright yellow mushroom in Florida mulch so I got way down on my knees, steadied the camera and here you have it.
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Soft sunrise

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Double Rainbow

Wisconsin this past summer.
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A chill is in the air

Took this shortly after sunrise yesterday here in Wisconsin. I used a long lens so this image looks about 1-2 miles out. Air temps were in the low 40s so it is easy to see the heat leaving the much warmer lake water.
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Red Mountain Ivins Utah

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Canna Lily

Boerner Botanical Gardens are located on the grounds of Whitnall Park in the village of Hales Corners, Wisconsin. The gardens are named for Alfred Boerner, who designed the original five formal gardens.
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Great Egret

I took this in Everglades National Park in southern Florida. The great egret is a large heron with all-white plumage. Standing up to 3 1/2 feet tall, with a wingspan of almost 6 feet, with an average weight of 2.2 pounds. It lives on fish, frogs and small mammals. Males and females are identical in appearance. Wikipedia
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Sandy Sunrise

Arrived at Coral Pink Sand Dunes (Utah State Park) before sunrise. Hiked out into the dunes hoping for a bright sky to light up the pink sand but overcast skies made me try black & white instead.
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Double Color

It didn't look like much at first but when I saw the clouds slide off to the right exposing some sunlit pinks and reds I grabbed my stuff and headed out to the shore to wait. So often the moving clouds combine with a rising sun and the dawn colors quickly get brighter. To capture this I left the camera shutter open for about 15 seconds as it was still quite dark out. This allows the light to accumulate on the camera sensor not only making the photo brighter and the colors deeper but it also makes the water look smoother which like a mirror doubles the effect.
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California Coast

On the distant island is the Point Sur Lighthouse i24.6 miles south of Monterey, California.
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A new day begins

Sunrise Wisconsin
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Good Morning Sunshine

A giant hybrid sunflower grown in a botanical garden. Hard for you to appreciate the size but it is massive and the height of the plant had to be 10 feet.
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Natures Artistry

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Whoo are you?

Mom and 2 Great Horned owlets in Ivins Utah.
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Foggy Sunrise

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The Morning Show

Living on a large lake facing East is certainly an early rising photographers dream. Even though the physical characteristics remain unchanged the morning light presents a new show every morning.
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Ivins Utah

Ivins is a city in southwestern Washington County, Utah. It is a part of the St. George Metropolitan Area as a suburb. The population was 8,978 at the 2020 census. The elevation is 3100 feet. On the other side of these very red Navajo sandstone mountains lies Snow Canyon State Park.
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Fly Fishing

Ospreys search for fish by flying on steady wingbeats and bowed wings or circling high in the sky over relatively shallow water. They often hover briefly before diving, feet first, to grab a fish. You can often clearly see an Osprey's catch in its talons as the bird carries it back to a nest or perch. I took this at an old quarry now filled with fresh water on Big Pine Key FL.
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Spring Firework

Took this, amongst others, in my mothers Wisconsin garden.
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Lake Powell AZ

Lake Powell, Page Arizona with sun setting behind me.
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Snow Melt

This stream is at about 9,000-10,000 feet near Duck Creek UT which is between Bryce Canyon National Park and Cedar Breaks National Monument.
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The power of Irma

September 2017 Hurricane Irma made landfall in an area 20-50 miles north of Key West as a Category 4 with 140mph winds with recorded gusts of 180 on Big Pine Key. About a month after the storm passed I visited this area on Long Beach Road. This home received the 5' water surge plus wave tops relentlessly pushing until it broke through the house. Everything in the home was swept into the mangroves behind me.
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Calf Creek Falls

Calf Creek is a perennial clear stream that descends 126 feet into a pool. It’s located in Utahs Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. During the 6 mile hike you’ll pass two granaries, beaver dams, and a mighty pictograph on the wall opposite the canyon, to name but a few sites along the way.
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California Coastal Color

Along US1 near Monterrey
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Based on the light sometimes I have to leave the shutter open to capture more light. This one took 6 seconds which had the added benefit of smoothing out the already flat lake.
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Rugged road through some Joshua trees with Mesquite Nevada way off in the distance. Not quite sure if I'm standing in Arizona or Utah because all three states are at this location, pretty close together. Beautiful spot to be for sunset due to the light and silence.
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Near Zion

Outside of Zion National Park this serves as a background for the abandoned town of Grafton. At the base, and reason for the towns settlement is the Virgin river which carved the landscape here and created Zion Park a few miles away.
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Bird of Paradise

Desert Bird of Paradise. Can grow as tall as 13 feet as a shrub or trimmed to a tree shape.
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Colorado River

Over my right shoulder around a bend is the Glen Canyon dam holding back Lake Powell. This is downstream from the dam with the river about 750 feet below me. You may be able to make out a boat about 1/2 way into the photo to give you an idea of scale.
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Black Crowned Crane

Black Crowned Cranes are found in eastern Africa, centered in Senegal and Gambia. I took this at the International Crane Foundation in Baraboo WI.
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Boerner Botanical Gardens
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A Close-up

There was enough cloud, fog and Canadian fire smoke to create a natural filter allowing me to take this with a very powerful lens without my camera and eyeball melting. If you are seeing this on a larger device screen you'll even be able to clearly see a sunspot on the right side above trees. I take quite a few photos, especially sunrises and it amazes me that a photo can easily capture trees 5 miles away with a sunspot 93 million miles behind them. This is the kind of stuff that makes this an enjoyable hobby.
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California State Route 1

State Route 1 is a major north–south state highway that runs along most of the Pacific coastline of the U.S. state of California. At 656 miles, it is the longest state route in California, and the second-longest in the US after Montana Highway 200. Wikipedia
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Morning Sun

Walking through a farmers market bunches of cut flowers can make for a concentrated frame of color and shape.
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Sky fire

Sunrise in Wisconsin with very low clouds resembling fire on the horizon.
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Hibiscus is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae. The genus is quite large, comprising several hundred species that are native to warm temperate, subtropical and tropical regions throughout the world. Member species are renowned for their large, showy flowers. Wikipedia This was taken in my mothers Wisconsin garden.
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South Dakota
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Hurricane Irma

September 2017 Hurricane Irma made landfall in an area 20-50 miles north of Key West as a Category 4 with 140mph winds with recorded gusts of 180 on Big Pine Key. About a month after the storm passed I visited this area on Long Beach Road. Hard to grasp the force of the storm. Most homes along the street looked similar to this one.
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From my mother's garden in Wisconsin.
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In the back row

I love taking sunset photos in Key West. Sometimes I think I have enough but I'm always proven wrong because every sunset is a little different from all the others. For this one I'm sitting on a beach on a plastic lawn chair, camera with a big lens mounted on a tripod between my legs. I just Googled something like best sunset locations and Key West seemed to be on everyones top 10 list. Every evening there are 10-30 boats carrying their paid customers out for a front row view while I'm sitting in the back row hoping they will partially block my view.
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Aspens in Fall

Gold aspens in Utah at 7,000-8,000 feet.
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To my right there were a couple fishermen cleaning their catch. Now and then they'd throw some scraps to these guys.
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Death Valley National Park

Death Valley is in Eastern California, in the Mojave Desert, bordering the Great Basin Desert. It is thought to be the hottest place on Earth during summer. Death Valley's Badwater Basin is the point of lowest elevation in North America, at 282 feet below sea level. It is 84.6 miles east-southeast of Mount Whitney — the highest point in the contiguous United States, with an elevation of 14,505 feet. Wikipedia For me it is one of those rare places where black & white photos usually work very well.
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Water Power

In a 50' deep slot canyon in Kanab Utah. The very smooth sandstone walls, clean sand floor and 12" log trapped 20 some feet in the air is why they advise staying out of narrow canyons when there is rain anywhere within 100 miles.
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A mix of things

Rain, clouds, trees and a full rainbow.
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Sunset Key West FL

I used a very wide lens which makes the palm trees look like they are bending towards the center.
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Big sky Utah

I took this in the general area of Bryce Canyon National Park. The 120 mile route from Bryce to Capital Reef National Park is a beautiful trip with ever-changing scenery.
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Key West Sunset

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Pacific Coast CA

PacState Route 1 is a scenic highway that runs along most of the Pacific coastline of the U.S. At 656 miles (1,056 km), it is the longest state route in California. Wikipedia
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Saw it at a farmers market in So California. The guy had buckets of the most exotic cut flowers I've ever seen.
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Water lilies

Water lilies, are beloved for their colorful and exotic-looking blooms, but they are more than just pretty plants. They also contribute to pond health. By covering the water surface, they shade the water and keep it cooler, which helps control algae that thrives in heat. Water lilies also shelter fish from birds of prey and filter out excess nutrients to further inhibit algae growth. When temperatures warm up in summer, water lilies' showy flowers open in the morning and close at night.
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Black-eyed susan

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Quiet Color

It requires clouds for a memorable sunrise or sunset but some sunrises need very little to emphasize the changing color bands as it makes its way closer to the horizon.
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Dawns Light

Pewaukee Lake WI
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Clouds over Lake Powell

Just before sunset in Page AZ these dancing clouds appeared on the horizon.
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Sunrise Wisconsin

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Sandhill crane

This is a species of large crane in North America. Their large wingspans, typically 6-8 feet, make them very skilled soaring birds, similar in style to hawks and eagles. Using thermals to obtain lift, they can stay aloft for many hours, requiring only occasional flapping of their wings, thus expending little energy. Migratory flocks contain hundreds of birds, and can create clear outlines of the normally invisible rising columns of air (thermals) they ride. Wikipedia This is a family here in WI with their newborn.
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Pastel morning

Looking about 10 miles East on Pewaukee Lake WI.
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Spring Green Wisconsin

Took this on a visit to The House On The Rock in Spring Green WI, which is also where Taliesin, the 600 acre estate of architect Frank Lloyd Wright is located.
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Fragrant water-lily

Took this at a botanical garden in Milwaukee. It was an overcast day making the water look almost black which is a nice background for the lily to show off its color. Its found in permanent slow moving waters throughout North America where it ranges from Central America to northern Canada as well as Brazil.
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Cayo Hueso

Key West (Spanish: Cayo Hueso) is an island in the Straits of Florida. Together with all or parts of the separate islands of Dredgers Key, Fleming Key, Sunset Key, and the northern part of Stock Island, it constitutes the City of Key West. Wikipedia
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Northern Utah

On a road trip to Park City
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Sun rising through a low layer of fog creates some interesting light. This was taken on Pewaukee Lake in Wisconsin.
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Argentine cactus

Argentine cactus blooms throughout the day and night with spectacularly large 8" flowers. While the blooms only last 36-48 hours, they are splendid enough to attract eager pollinators during the night, which include bats and moths.
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Barely shining through

Sunset last night with plane returning from Fort Jefferson National Park.
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This dawn should last all day

Front row seat silently watching someone paint with spray cans on the other side of a huge pane of glass.
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The largest of the white-colored wading birds in Florida, the great egret is frequently seen in wetlands areas and along waterways.
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Double lake sunrise

Interesting clouds can form 50+ miles away over Lake Michigan due to warm air over colder water.These clouds catch the first light of the dawn like a theatre screen, and reflect this light to the ground which is again reflected in the calm 10 miles of inland lake water I'm photographing over here in Wisconsin.
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Great horned owl

A powerful, mottled-brown predator, it is often more than 2 feet long, with a wingspan often approaching 7 feet. It usually eats small rodents and birds but has been known to carry off larger prey. Adapted to desert and forest, the species migrates only when food is scarce. Audubon I assume this young one is from a pair that nests on a ledge in a nearby canyon in Utah.
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White Hibiscus

Soft red and white in the shadows.
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Old World Wisconsin

Old World Wisconsin is an open-air museum located near Eagle, Wisconsin. It depicts housing and the daily life of settlers in 19th-century Wisconsin, with separate areas representing the traditions of different ethnic groups who settled in the state. Costumed interpreters portray the occupations and chores of typical settlers of the time.Wikipedia
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Sea Nettle

Those tentacles are a sure sting. A sea nettle hunts by traling those long tentacles, covered with stinging cells. When the tentacles touch tiny plankton, the stinging cells stick tight and paralyze prey. From there, the prey is moved to the frilly mouth-arms and finally to the mouth. I took this photo in the Monterey Aquarium and the text came off their website.
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Front row for a sunrise

Pewaukee Lake Wisconsin
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Garden color

Found this beautiful feature walking through a botanical garden.
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Rainy tropical sunrise

Walking the beach in Key West during a light rain and the sky lit up from imbedded lightning while the sun rose.
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Joshua Tree

It is native to the arid Southwestern United States, specifically California, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada. Based on growth estimates this 8 foot tree is 150-200 years old. If it survives the rigors of the desert, it can live for hundreds of years; some specimens survive a thousand years.
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Indian shot

Canna indica is commonly known as Indian shot. Canna indica has been a food crop cultivated by indigenous peoples of the Americas for thousands of years. Wikipedia I took this photo at the Boerner Botanical Gardens in Milwaukee.
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Daylilies are popular, easy-to-grow, low-maintenance perennials that are tough, long-lived, and tolerant of neglect. They bloom profusely, though individual blooms only last a single day, and varieties number in the tens of thousands. Daylilies grow from fleshy roots, unlike true lilies that grow from bulbs.
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Black Crowned Crane

Black Crowned Cranes are found in eastern Africa. I took this at the International Crane Foundation in Baraboo WI.
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Osprey family

Took this in Everglades National Park of mom (I think) and 2 offspring. The mate was off fishing in the Florida bay and would return with breakfast, then set off again.
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Silent Color

Sunrise over my favorite Lake in Pewaukee Wisconsin
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Another Day

Another beautiful sunset sail in Key West FL