Wynwood Walls is a unique outdoor destination featuring huge, colorful street murals by artists from around the globe.

A Happy Guy In An Alley
While looking for photo opportunities in a Las Vegas alley (yes, we do that) we came across this obviously happy and probably homeless man. When I asked him if I could take his picture he sat down with his phone and gave a big smile. He then stood up still smiling, thanked us profusely and walked away.

Las Vegas street walking

Street shooting
Taking night photos on Duval which is the main tourist street in Key West.

Vacant Art
Storefront in Las Vegas

Fun hobby
Action, color and balance...quickly take the shot and decide later if I like it. At first I didn't, then I did, so now you can decide.

When walking around fringe areas I come across scenes like this quite often. Occasionally I'll take a quick photo and move on, not wanting to appear to interested. It's when I see the photo on my big screen that for the first time really look them. As you now do, note this is someones home, belongings sheltered from the rain. I note the furniture (table &chair), closet (hanging clothes), bedroom, storage (suitcase) and vehicle (shopping cart). Pretty much what I have but photos like this really make me realize how fortunate I am.

Alley Color
Walking the Las Vegas alleys and streets in the early morning one finds all kinds of grungy photo opportunities. This is a colorful area between the Strip and Downtown that is trying to remake itself.

Photogenic Las Vegas
Early morning I was walking from my car to join a group of photographers when I saw this bright red dress, umbrella and flip flopped lady buying a parking pass. In the bright sunlight on a deserted street I had to raise my camera and take this while I waited to buy my parking pass. I later found out she was one of the models that had been hired for us and in the bag were her sparkly red pumps. Las Vegas is always full of surprises.

Miami Rain
Walking in the Wynwood Walls area of Miami and the rain kept coming down. It was good for photography as it kept the light even, no really bright or dark areas and there were plenty of people who had stopped moving.

A point of reference
All large cities have homeless issues and Las Vegas is no exception. When I raise my camera and zoom in I feel like I'm invading privacy from the safety of distance. But it's good to look at these photos because they are a constant reminder that my good fortune should not be taken for granted.

Petronia Street in Key West has some unique shops, galleries and restaurants.

Morning Workout
This gentleman in Havana was doing stretching exercises on what used to be his front porch.

What makes Key West...Key West

Morning walk
Walking around Key West shortly after sunrise one side of the street is bathed in sunlight. These glowing trees against the white buildings looked like a nice photo in black and white.

BO’s Fish Wagon
Caroline Street, Key West

Harpoon Harry’s
Another Key West icon...love the colors.

Just a porch
Sometimes I go for camera walks. Here in Key West the houses are usually small and close together but all have porches. I think are outside rooms that give us a secret glimpse of what is maybe inside.

Piano man
Playing for tips on Fremont Street in Las Vegas. He was actually very very good.

Fremont Street
Set my camera up with a 5 second shutter opening.

Watching and waiting
Key West...couldn't think of anything else to call it.

Color Coordinated Guy
Just walking down a Key West back street when this guy comes riding by.

The Bull
The Bull is a famous bar in Key West. Only in the early morning do you find a primo table like this available.

In the rain
Walking across a Miami street wearing a plastic poncho I see this guy looking very cool under his umbrella. I asked if I could I take his picture and with a smile he said yes. So out comes the camera and I pushed the shutter button. Showed him the photo, we chatted about umbrellas with holes vs sweaty ponchos and I moved on.

Key West Art Gallery
I talked with this gentleman for quite awhile. He was in tough shape due to hurricane Irma which had dramatically reduced tourism and with it, months of income.

Maybe that Holiday Inn we passed?
The sign is one thing but it is always the old neon that attracts me because of its wonderful color.

Alley Flower
Walking through an alley in Las Vegas that spray can artists had decorated we came upon this growing in a planter with a sprayed shipping container in the background.

Drag Strip
Not only is it the main street through Key West it is also the worlds longest drag strip. One of the events during Conch Republic days are the bed races, beds mounted on wheels pushed by female impersonators, a.k.a. Drag Queens. One end of Duval is the Atlantic Ocean and the other end is the Gulf of Mexico, hence the Worlds Longest Drag Race. True Fact

Window peeping
Walking around Las Vegas I took this through a window. Not the sharpest photo, nothing very interesting going on but for some reason I like it. It's even hanging in a (temporary) frame in the house.

Key West street vendor has an interesting product line.

Miami Street Art
Painted on the wall of an old warehouse.

Tourist Treasure
Early morning walking on Key Wests Duval street.

Key West Postcard
Though only 15 blocks end to end, Duval St is known as the worlds longest road because it connects the Gulf of Mexico and The Atlantic Ocean. And within a 3 mile radius you'll find 312 restaurants to choose from.

Made me think
Stumbled upon this in a very old abandoned building which made me feel how lucky I am.

Waiting for that art customer to walk up and buy something here on Duval Street in Key West

Eye catching corner
A borderline area in Miami called Wynwood Walls has some phenominal spray can art just about everywhere you walk. It seems to me the seedier the area is the better the art.

Since 1899
Downtown Chicago fixture

Early Morning Duval
Duval Street cuts through Old Town Key West. The Atlantic Ocean is at one end while the Gulf of Mexico is at the other. This rare scene without people can only be experienced about an hour before sunrise..

Porches tell stories
While walking around I sometimes find porches that tell a story.

A Picture Speaks A Thousand Words

Just fishing with dad
Mallory Square dock in Key West

They were very very good.
Playing in from of the Chicago Art Museum.

Warm Sunday
One of many wonderful Chicago features

Harpoon Harry’s
A Key West restaurant fixture. Food is nothing to remember but it is painted an outstanding color.

Art in the making
A camera walk in Key West turned up a nice house where a finger painter was taking a break.

Another Photographer
Saw a couple guys set up with a camera in a median on a Chicago street. I walked over to see what they were doing and took this photo of what they were taking a photo of.

Wall art
All things considered it doesn't look half bad. I'd be happy hanging this one on my wall..somewhere.

Colorful Duval Street
Duval Street in Key West is in constant color bathed action.

While crossing the street
I'd expect this in Havana but not Chicago.

Porches more porches
I love taking photos of porches

Old Dade County Pine
This wood resists termites and rot. Very desirable building product in the tropics.

Serious Dominos in Miami
A watchfull eye during dominos in Miami’s Little Havana. This is a park in Little Havana dedicated to dominos.


Street walking
....and porch snooping

Bahama Village Paper Boxes
It is a 16 block area located in Old Town Key West.
It was once a primarily black neighborhood, and is named for its many original residents who were of Bahamian ancestry. Once a marginalized area, it is undergoing gentrification and now hosts many of the island's most popular restaurants.

Early Morning In Key West

Quiet read
Key West

Nap Time

Street chess in The Netherlands

Tropic Cinema
Key West FL

Storytelling porches

A tough life

Busy Duval Street
I used a long shutter speed so most people and traffic seem to disappear.

Hussel and bustle

Havana Cuba

Restaurant Guard

New Orleans

Street after street after street
Havana Cuba