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Dashboard Hula Girl
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Porch Art

Almost all porches in old town Key West are very close to the sidewalks. To me they offer visual clues to what is on the inside so this one must be stunning.
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Extraterrestrial Photographers

Walked out to the end of a pier to take a sunrise photo and was joined by what appeared to be an extraterrestrial and a friend with the same idea.
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Exploring at Low Tide

Key West young explorer
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Angles & Reflections

Las Vegas street walking with a camera.
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Walking through a farmers market I saw these very large mushrooms and because it had almost no color I tried a B&W photo. For a second I considered calling it Colonoscopy.
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Hot Colored Air

Getting to ready launch a field of hot air balloons. This is one of the more colorful and dramatic events I get to photograph.
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B&W Navajo Sandstone Canyon Wall

Took this on the Navajo Nation in Page Arizona in a very small part of the 26 mile canyon. In color the reds, pinks and even purples brighten with sunlight but I thought I'd experiment with B&W.
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Cloudless windy day, palm trees, a black & white camera and looking for something different.
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Steam Engine

Henry Ford Museum
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The Shimmer

Though about 6 inches of water the sandstone bottom of a lakeshore shimmered in the noon high sunlight.
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Dashboard Hula Girl

From the 1950s
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Wet Confetti

There must have been a big celebration last night because confetti was blowing all over. Someone was hosing to the street as I was walking by, colors simply caught my eye and now maybe they catch yours.
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Plane enters from the right

Makes a turning loop while releasing fireworks then leaves show center to the left while releasing more before exiting.
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Hang On Tight!

Wisconsin State Fair amusement ride, at night with a long exposure. There was also a pretty sunset sky as background.
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State Fair

Wisconsin State Fair at night I will mount a camera on a tripod and as the ride is spinning I open the shutter for some random amount of time which in this case was 2 seconds. I never know what these will look like until I get home and see them on the computer.
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Can’t you just hear the screams

State Fair...faster and faster it spins, pushing you farther out and up till it feels like you'll fly off into space......
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Old World Wisconsin

Original 1800s farmhouse owned by the WI Historical Society
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Camera Bump

While taking a photo of a ferris wheel at dusk, I bumped the camera which was, until this moment, very securely attached to a tripod to prevent any movement. I think it’s one of the better shots I came home with. This new art form I will call Camera Bumping!
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Hot Air Can Be Beautiful

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I thought it was pretty
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Neapolitan Rock

Multi-colored sandstone in Gold Butte National Monument Nevada
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Still Video

While taking a night photo of an amusement ride which requires a rock steady tripod, sometimes I'll purposely move the camera to see what it will see.
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Spinning Dream

This is the 1,004 foot Carnival Dream cruise ship as it makes a 180 degree turn to depart the Key West harbor. I set the camera and waited for the ship to untie, move away from the dock and begin turning. I opened the cameras shutter for about 5 minutes until it stopped turning.
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Inside Out

Without color the lines and shapes become visible.
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Wisconsin State Fair ride. I left the shutter open for 2 seconds and had the camera mounted on a tripod to prevent it from moving.
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Watery sky

Walking on a dock I noticed the water reflecting the cloudy sky above with a passing jet.
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Arizona bus stop

While exploring slot canyons in the Navajo Nation (over 27,400 square miles in Utah, Arizona & New Mexico) I drove by this bus stop with the picture window.
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I can’t explain…..

Higgs found
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Tres Palmas

Black & White camera used for this plain photo with structure. I'm learning that plain without color makes me look harder at the subject.
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Amusement ride

One of those night amusement ride photos where I leave the shutter open for a moment then wiggle the camera a little and...surprise.
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Just look down

One day, standing on sandstone in a beautiful National Monument a very experienced photographer shouted at me "look down". I glanced at my feet and he again shouted so I took a photo, minus my feet. Due to the simple texture of the rock, that turned out to be one of the best photos I took that day. Now when searching for eye level objects of interest I'll sometimes remember to simply look down.
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The Scrambler

The Scrambler is an amusement ride in which suspended riders spinning in cars experience centrifugal force, while spinning along two separate axes. Riders are seated in small carriages clustered together and connected by beams at the top to a central point. The clustered vehicles are spun in one direction, while the ride as a whole spins in the opposite direction. Wikipedia I took this at the Wisconsin State Fair by leaving the shutter open for a few seconds.
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Bubble Art

A guy in the park in Key West was making huge 5' bubbles with a rope dipped in dishwashing soap. Had my camera so I was fortunate to get about 7-8 beautiful photos with the sun off to my left lighting up all the colors in from of me.
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Ride Art

Wisconsin State Fair Midway ride. I left the shutter open for 2 seconds while it spun.
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Bag of balloons

This guy in Germany was making ballon animals for children as they walked by.
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Key West Mooring

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Can you guess what this is?

It's a plane flying a series of maneuvers. The pattern you see is from his lights & engine exhaust while ejecting fireworks. EAA Show Oshkosh WI
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Day Lillies

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Old Dade County Pine Home

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Night Airshow

EAA Oshkosh WI
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European Garden

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Cruise Ship

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Night Airshow – EAA Oshkosh WI

Long exposure: Plane enters from the left, launches fireworks at the top of a loop, exits the night stage to the right.
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Sculpture of a dock lineman

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EAA Night Airshow Oshkosh WI

Twin engine aircraft enters from the right makes a 180 degree turn while launching fireworks.