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Back road oddities
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Back road oddities

While driving the backroads one never knows what one will find. This one called Tin Man appeared along a remote farm road in central Wisconsin.
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Light it up

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Last day of September but I’ll be back

Trying to be funny with fotos
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Just Colors

Walking through Key West this sunlit wall just caught my eye.
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Getting ready

State Fair about an hour before the gates open. Celebrating 174 consecutive years, the 2023 Wisconsin State Fair greeted 1,043,350 guests during its 10 days.
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Free Flowers

Came upon this while driving on the causeway towards Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake of Utah
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Lines, shadows and contrast

Walking down the street with my black & white camera I'm always looking for lines, shadows, contrast and maybe a story of some sort. With no color you need something else but when you see you see it in color so if you like that aspect of photography it makes it kind of fun. So a guy is walking down the street and finishes his beer.........
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Airplane House

As you walk through Key West you find interesting examples of exterior decorating. Since I took this photo the plane has been replaced with dinosaur looking things.
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In what way?

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Key West Creative

Bike wheel, basket and poinsettia.
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Black, white and unisex

Any questions?
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Step Right Up & Win a Prize

Squirt gun guy and a couple fairgoers.
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Umbrella Academy

Colorful waterfront restaurant built on a pier in Key West.
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For those who wondered

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Guard Dog

The Shih Tzu is an Asian toy dog breed originating from Tibet. They are well-known for their largely fun and playful personality, and calm and friendly temperament. They are highly independent dogs, and are able to adapt well in different situations. That was per Wikipedia but, if there was no glass between us he surly would have eaten me.
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Old house in Eagle Wisconsin.
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Fire Lookout Tower

Jacob Lake Lookout Tower is located in North Kaibab AZ. Built in 1934 by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), it is an 80’ Aermotor steel tower with a 7’ x 7’ metal cab and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Visitors can still climb the tower to view the area and see the Osborne Fire Finder.
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Old World Wisconsin

Old World Wisconsin is an open-air museum located near Eagle Wisconsin. It depicts housing and the daily life of settlers in 19th-century Wisconsin, with separate areas representing the traditions of different ethnic groups who settled in the state. Costumed interpreters portray the occupations and chores of typical settlers of the time. Opened in 1976, the museum is owned and operated by the Wisconsin Historical Society. The largest outdoor museum of rural life in the United States, it encompasses approximately 480 acres of rolling wooded hills. It contains more than 60 historic structures, ranging from ethnic farmsteads with furnished houses and rural outbuildings to an 1880s crossroads village with traditional small town institutions. Wikipedia
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The Green Parrot

The Green Parrot is the best dive bar in Key West. Opened in 1890 as a grocery store where local musicians would gather. When WWII began it changed to the Brown Derby Bar then in the 1970s it was renamed The Green Parrot. Today, come for the atmosphere and stay for the music.  No food, just free popcorn. And don’t worry what live band is playing… they are all good.
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Artsy Old Sign

Walking around Las Vegas and it caught my eye.
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Just caught my eye

Sometimes while walking through old neighborhoods in Key West porches will talk to me.
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Beach Time

Walking Miami Beach
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Walking around Las Vegas I always find interesting things to point a camera at. Here a guy on a light pole attracted both myself and a bird.
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Very good junk

This was in a collection of equally good junk collected by one of those guys who collects description I have.
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Flower Basket

Sidewalk in Key West
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Manitowoc Lighthouse

Built in 1895. Rebuilt in 1918. Automated in 1971 is marks the entrance to the Manitowoc WI harbor on Lake Michigan.
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Made me look

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David vs Goliath

Note Apache gunship off the bow
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Original homestead

1800s Wisconsin original home
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I liked something about it...still do I guess.
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St George Carousel

The carousel in downtown St George Utah is a fully restored antique brought over from Chicago.
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Morning Neon

Walking Old Town Key West
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Fremont to the Strip

Old downtown Las Vegas to the Strip has pretty much colorful everything.
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Along the river

Came across this riverfront property that had interesting materials and lines. Looked like it could be a good jigsaw puzzle.
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Side Mirror Doubler

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Hoover Dam

You are looking at the Colorado River as it exits the bottom of the dam after it has gone through the turbines on each side to generate electricity. I'm standing on the very top middle of the dam so Lake Meade is behind me.
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Period correct

Original 1800s farmhouse owned by the WI Historical Society
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A Foggy Point Sur Light Station

Along the California coast this lighthouse was erected in 1889 to help ships navigate in the fog. When we arrived at its base the skies were clear but in the 30 minute climb to the top the fog rolled in and completely surrounded us.
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Southernmost beach

This is the southernmost beach in the continental US, located in Key West FL. Admittedly it's not a very interesting photo but if you could feel the wind and hear the surf maybe you'd see why I not only took it, but shared it with you.
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Mobile vase

Walking down side streets in Key West it is quite common to discover the unusual.
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As it was almost 70 degrees he didn't last long.
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Not entirely sure

Passing through some economically dead former mining town was this......
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Walking Las Vegas

Early morning walking down alleys and streets in an area between the Strip and Downtown Fremont street one will find all kinds of photo opportunities.
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A bar on Duval Street sporting plenty of action. I took this around 6am on a walk around Key West one morning.
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Waiting for the gardener

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Street walking

Sometimes I wander through Key West neighborhoods looking for the things that normally would not cause me to pause. But with camera in hand, scenes like this make me stop a moment during which they tell me a brief story.
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Techatticup Gold Mine

April 1861, silver and some gold and copper lodes had been discovered by John Moss and others in what became known as El Dorado Canyon. In 1867, to secure the riverboat traffic and protect miners in the canyon from Paiute attacks the U.S. Army established Camp El Dorado, an outpost at the mouth of El Dorado Canyon that remained until it was abandoned in 1869. From 1870 the mines again were active to the point where from 1879 to 1907 El Dorado Canyon again had a post office, now in Clark County, Nevada. The mines continued to produce ore until World War. Wikipedia So, the gentleman that owns the mine leads people on tours. When coming to one intersection of shafts you can just make out a skeleton in tattered clothes leaning against the rock wall. When I asked who that was he said "the first boy that dated my daughter" then he turned and kept walking.
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Nice Variety

Interesting front porch in Key West
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Garden Art

I really enjoy photographing someone painting. If the angles cooperate I try getting the subject into the photo along with the painted version. I always ask permission to get different angles I then ask for their email address to send them the photo.
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Petronia Street

Area of art galleries, shops and restaurants in "Old Town" Key West FL
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One of a Kind

Walking down Duval Street one evening I come across this minivan with a large very well made kaleidoscope permanently attached to the hood. I of course looked into the end and turned the wheel. As it was pointed toward the sun the colors began to mix like a big round stain glass window. Very cool.... you should never walk around Key West without a camera or sense of humor.
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Dining Out

A classic
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On A Walk

Slow walking with a camera in hand can yield some, in my opinion, interesting stuff.
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Reflective layers

Walking in Miami I saw this wild reflection of multiple layers. When I got home and went through the photos I was able to really appreciate the depths of what I saw. Window, restaurant, wall of graffiti, new building and somebody standing on the sidewalk.
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Interesting Front Door

Walking around the back streets of Key West with a camera provides endless photo ops.
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After Hours

Street in Key West called Petronia that day or night is pleasant to walk down. Nice shops and restaurants away from the hustle of Duval Street. This shop was closed but full of color. Happened to have a good lens on the camera that performs well in low light.
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Las Vegas Graffiti Art

Walking around the Fremont Street area of Las Vegas is one of my favorite places to find all kinds of photo opportunities. This one in particular caught my eye as it seems you could peel back the layers of graffiti that have accumulated over the years.
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Clownin around

Innards of an old steam powered popcorn wagon. When the engine is working the clown is turning the capsule full of popcorn.
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Porch Art

I like interesting porches as they entice us into the house to see what's behind the door and meet the dwellers.
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Original 1917

1917 Herschell-Spillman Carousel at Circus World Museum Baraboo, WI 24 jumping horses, 2 chariots, all wood composition and original 105 year old paint. In perfect working order and cost $1.00 a ride. During a break the operator was nice enough to let me walk around taking photos of the horses.
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Waiting for a customer to crawl in
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Butch Lived Here

Robert Leroy Parker, A.K.A. Butch Cassidy, lived here with his family from 1880 to around 1884. The door was locked but I found this broken pane.
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Point Sur Lighthouse

Point Sur Lighthouse sits on a volcanic rock 361 feet above the Pacific Ocean. Erected in 1889, this Big Sur lighthouse has stayed in continuous operation since, and is the only complete lighthouse of its era in California.
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A Walk In The Park

Hiking through Red Rock Canyon which is close to Las Vegas, I turned the corner and saw this. As I took a few photos others started showing up including photographers. When they finished I found out it was a photo shoot for these two brothers who were performing in Las Vegas.
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To the bar

What the sign says. I liked the lighting.
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Interesting Inventory

Street Walking is always full of surprises. Had this store been open I certainly would have gone in to see what other treasures it offered.
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Key West Postcard

It is rare but not surprising to have a giant octopus in your neighbors yard.
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Kiss Me

At a hot air balloon launch in WI the winds picked up while they were filling causing these two to lean sideways.
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Street Walking

Early morning is a great time for street walking with my camera. I stopped to take this one in Key West when the guy gave me a nice wave. I walked over and it turned out he's also a camera geek so we had a nice conversation about photography before I moved on to look for the next photo.
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How could I not?

That is the Key West cemetery.....I had to take this photo and share it.
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Fence with locks

Walking down Fremont Street in an old section of Las Vegas
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Just in case

Just in case the wall was not an adequate suggestion.
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Have a seat

These stacked chairs, for some reason, looked photo worthy.
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Barn Stuff

All I can say about this on is that it would make an interesting jigsaw puzzle.
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Range Fence

In a Joshua Tree forrest - Utah
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Sanibel Island FL

Known as the best shelling destination in North America.
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Billboard Art

Great idea for an unused billboard
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Winter is coming

Late fall in Wisconsin. Left my shoes out to dry but they froze overnight.
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Gotta love these

It's so much fun watching tourists around these.
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Steam Engine

Henry Ford Museum
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Key West Cemetery

This is a 19 acre cemetery located in the Old Town area. It is estimated that as many as 100,000 people are buried here, many more than the 30,000 residents who currently live on the island. In 1847 it was established at its current location after a 1846 hurricane washed remains from the earlier cemetery out of the coastal sand dunes. On June 24, 1976, it was added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places..
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Ghost Town Citizen

Rhyolite Nevada
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Says it all………

SL2 ISO 400 35MM f/4 1/640
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Sunset celebration or possibly breakfast

One early morning bike ride this, for some strange reason, just caught my eye.
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Cheese Head Kitty
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Street walking

....and porch snooping
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Washed up shoes along the coast

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Key West Cemetery

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Green Parrot Bar

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The making of a Key West Fish Car

A couple friends bought white cars then invited other friends to paint tropical fish on them.
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Key West Bartender Helper

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Cigar Store

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With some stories in Key West
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Bahama Village

Key West
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Love Locks

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What would you call this?

We call it: The Hooker Bird
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Pineapple Art

Key West
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Tourist Trap

Store Window
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Certainly he will not be towed

It's a horse of course, with parking privileges.