Early State Fair
Arrived at the Wisconsin State Fair 2 hours before opening during which time only the vendors were there setting up. I wandered around with my camera like I do but without the throng of fairgoers. Anyway, I saw this young lady waiting for the gates to open.

Not entirely sure
Passing through some economically dead former mining town was this......

Walking Las Vegas
Early morning walking down alleys and streets in an area between the Strip and Downtown Fremont street one will find all kinds of photo opportunities.

Old World Wisconsin
A very young girl dressed in period clothes at an original 1800s farmhouse owned by the WI Historical Society

BO’s Fish Wagon
Caroline Street, Key West

A bar on Duval Street sporting plenty of action. I took this around 6am on a walk around Key West one morning.

Harpoon Harry’s
Another Key West icon...love the colors.

Waiting for the gardener

Street walking
Sometimes I wander through Key West neighborhoods looking for the things that normally would not cause me to pause. But with camera in hand, scenes like this make me stop a moment during which they tell me a brief story.

Real Fish
Fantasy Fest costume Key West

Getting Ready
Each year at the end of October Key West welcomes Fantasy Fest. Trying to stay with the annual theme, painters decorate people as part of the festivities.

Fantasy Fest
One of many parade participants on her way to the staging area for the annual Fantasy Fest parade in Key West FL.

Not so odd really
Most days encountering a red woman riding a bike through a cemetery would seem odd. But this being Fantasy Fest in Key West it's simply photogenic.

Something is important
I like this scene. Fountain, shoes off and close huddle. Took this on a Sunday afternoon while wandering around Chicago, one of my favorite places to carry a camera.

Date Night

Just a porch
Sometimes I go for camera walks. Here in Key West the houses are usually small and close together but all have porches. I think are outside rooms that give us a secret glimpse of what is maybe inside.

Eye Catching
Fantasy Fest ready

Piano man
Playing for tips on Fremont Street in Las Vegas. He was actually very very good.

Techatticup Gold Mine
April 1861, silver and some gold and copper lodes had been discovered by John Moss and others in what became known as El Dorado Canyon. In 1867, to secure the riverboat traffic and protect miners in the canyon from Paiute attacks the U.S. Army established Camp El Dorado, an outpost at the mouth of El Dorado Canyon that remained until it was abandoned in 1869. From 1870 the mines again were active to the point where from 1879 to 1907 El Dorado Canyon again had a post office, now in Clark County, Nevada. The mines continued to produce ore until World War. Wikipedia
So, the gentleman that owns the mine leads people on tours. When coming to one intersection of shafts you can just make out a skeleton in tattered clothes leaning against the rock wall. When I asked who that was he said "the first boy that dated my daughter" then he turned and kept walking.

Faces of Fantasy Fest
Tiger lady was completely painted from head to toe.

Nice Variety
Interesting front porch in Key West

Fremont Street
Set my camera up with a 5 second shutter opening.

Garden Art
I really enjoy photographing someone painting. If the angles cooperate I try getting the subject into the photo along with the painted version. I always ask permission to get different angles I then ask for their email address to send them the photo.

Art Walking
A model walks down the street in Key West during Fantasy Fest week as advertising for one of the many professional body painters that show up for this unique festival.

One of a Kind
Walking down Duval Street one evening I come across this minivan with a large very well made kaleidoscope permanently attached to the hood. I of course looked into the end and turned the wheel. As it was pointed toward the sun the colors began to mix like a big round stain glass window. Very cool.... you should never walk around Key West without a camera or sense of humor.

Body Painting
In preparation for Fantasy Fest in Key West

Petronia Street
Area of art galleries, shops and restaurants in "Old Town" Key West FL

I apologize but sometimes when around an old candy dispenser my ego gets the best of me.

Dining Out
A classic

On A Walk
Slow walking with a camera in hand can yield some, in my opinion, interesting stuff.

Fantasy Fest Model
This gentleman was a model for a body painting studio. He was painted differently every time I saw him during the week long festival.

Reflective layers
Walking in Miami I saw this wild reflection of multiple layers. When I got home and went through the photos I was able to really appreciate the depths of what I saw. Window, restaurant, wall of graffiti, new building and somebody standing on the sidewalk.

Merry Christmas
Says the flamingo

Watching and waiting
Key West...couldn't think of anything else to call it.

Interesting Front Door
Walking around the back streets of Key West with a camera provides endless photo ops.

Color Coordinated Guy
Just walking down a Key West back street when this guy comes riding by.

After Hours
Street in Key West called Petronia that day or night is pleasant to walk down. Nice shops and restaurants away from the hustle of Duval Street. This shop was closed but full of color. Happened to have a good lens on the camera that performs well in low light.

The Bull
The Bull is a famous bar in Key West. Only in the early morning do you find a primo table like this available.

Clownin around
Innards of an old steam powered popcorn wagon. When the engine is working the clown is turning the capsule full of popcorn.

Las Vegas Graffiti Art
Walking around the Fremont Street area of Las Vegas is one of my favorite places to find all kinds of photo opportunities. This one in particular caught my eye as it seems you could peel back the layers of graffiti that have accumulated over the years.

In the rain
Walking across a Miami street wearing a plastic poncho I see this guy looking very cool under his umbrella. I asked if I could I take his picture and with a smile he said yes. So out comes the camera and I pushed the shutter button. Showed him the photo, we chatted about umbrellas with holes vs sweaty ponchos and I moved on.

Maybe that Holiday Inn we passed?
The sign is one thing but it is always the old neon that attracts me because of its wonderful color.

Key West Art Gallery
I talked with this gentleman for quite awhile. He was in tough shape due to hurricane Irma which had dramatically reduced tourism and with it, months of income.

Alley Flower
Walking through an alley in Las Vegas that spray can artists had decorated we came upon this growing in a planter with a sprayed shipping container in the background.

Porch Art
I like interesting porches as they entice us into the house to see what's behind the door and meet the dwellers.

Oil of water
Walking along the water in Pacific Grove CA I came upon this artist who not only allowed me to take his photo but was also thrilled when I emailed the photo to him. For the next few weeks whenever I saw someone painting landscapes I'd take their photo at a similar angle and mail them their photos. It was fun for all of us.

Window peeping
Walking around Las Vegas I took this through a window. Not the sharpest photo, nothing very interesting going on but for some reason I like it. It's even hanging in a (temporary) frame in the house.

Drag Strip
Not only is it the main street through Key West it is also the worlds longest drag strip. One of the events during Conch Republic days are the bed races, beds mounted on wheels pushed by female impersonators, a.k.a. Drag Queens. One end of Duval is the Atlantic Ocean and the other end is the Gulf of Mexico, hence the Worlds Longest Drag Race. True Fact

Original 1917
1917 Herschell-Spillman Carousel at Circus World Museum Baraboo, WI
24 jumping horses, 2 chariots, all wood composition and original 105 year old paint. In perfect working order and cost $1.00 a ride.
During a break the operator was nice enough to let me walk around taking photos of the horses.

Waiting for a customer to crawl in

Butch Lived Here
Robert Leroy Parker, A.K.A. Butch Cassidy, lived here with his family from 1880 to around 1884. The door was locked but I found this broken pane.

Key West street vendor has an interesting product line.

Rubicon WI
I drove through this very small town in WI last week. Had to turn around, take this photo then continued on my way. Photography will do that to you.

Miami Street Art
Painted on the wall of an old warehouse.

Merry Christmas
This tree was in the lobby of the Curry Mansion in Key West.

Point Sur Lighthouse
Point Sur Lighthouse sits on a volcanic rock 361 feet above the Pacific Ocean. Erected in 1889, this Big Sur lighthouse has stayed in continuous operation since, and is the only complete lighthouse of its era in California.

Tourist Treasure
Early morning walking on Key Wests Duval street.

A Walk In The Park
Hiking through Red Rock Canyon which is close to Las Vegas, I turned the corner and saw this. As I took a few photos others started showing up including photographers. When they finished I found out it was a photo shoot for these two brothers who were performing in Las Vegas.

Hat shop
Custom made in Key West from palm fronds and don't forget the matching drink koozie.

Sunset Pier Key West
Sunset pier is a perfect spot on the water to watch sunsets while listening to live music.

Key West Postcard
Though only 15 blocks end to end, Duval St is known as the worlds longest road because it connects the Gulf of Mexico and The Atlantic Ocean. And within a 3 mile radius you'll find 312 restaurants to choose from.

Hard Streets
Las Vegas was photogenic in a very sad, yet interesting way during the covid year. The handful of people that were there really stood out. This man and his friend had expressions that really caught my eye.

Fantasy Fest Week
A celebration full of creativity and fun.

To the bar
What the sign says. I liked the lighting.

Interesting Inventory
Street Walking is always full of surprises. Had this store been open I certainly would have gone in to see what other treasures it offered.

Mast Guy
In preparation for sailing this guy is.... well, I'm standing on my balcony of a very tall 3 story building and the sailboat is about 80' in length, so whatever he's doing he's pretty high up.

Key West Postcard
It is rare but not surprising to have a giant octopus in your neighbors yard.

Made me think
Stumbled upon this in a very old abandoned building which made me feel how lucky I am.

How Many?
Ticket booth guy at WI State fair selling tickets on the Easyglider.

Family Photos In The Making

Waiting for that art customer to walk up and buy something here on Duval Street in Key West

Wisconsin State Fair
Every year in August fairgoers buy over 400,000 creampuffs.

Kiss Me
At a hot air balloon launch in WI the winds picked up while they were filling causing these two to lean sideways.

Street Walking
Early morning is a great time for street walking with my camera. I stopped to take this one in Key West when the guy gave me a nice wave. I walked over and it turned out he's also a camera geek so we had a nice conversation about photography before I moved on to look for the next photo.

Eye catching corner
A borderline area in Miami called Wynwood Walls has some phenominal spray can art just about everywhere you walk. It seems to me the seedier the area is the better the art.

How could I not?
That is the Key West cemetery.....I had to take this photo and share it.

Porches tell stories
While walking around I sometimes find porches that tell a story.

A Picture Speaks A Thousand Words

Since 1899
Downtown Chicago fixture

Early Morning Duval
Duval Street cuts through Old Town Key West. The Atlantic Ocean is at one end while the Gulf of Mexico is at the other. This rare scene without people can only be experienced about an hour before sunrise..

Fence with locks
Walking down Fremont Street in an old section of Las Vegas

Fly Fishing
Casting in Key West

They were very very good.
Playing in from of the Chicago Art Museum.

Nothing Special
Just a picture

I Wonder
Had a camera in hand when I came upon this local gentleman that I've seen many times before. Normally he elicits a quick glance and I move on. Though I felt I was somehow violating his space, I paused, took this photo and moved on. Now, frozen in time I'm able to actually look at him and I wonder.

Just fishing with dad
Mallory Square dock in Key West

Just in case
Just in case the wall was not an adequate suggestion.

Have a seat
These stacked chairs, for some reason, looked photo worthy.

Warm Sunday
One of many wonderful Chicago features

Barn Stuff
All I can say about this on is that it would make an interesting jigsaw puzzle.

Festive Face Painting
Fantasy Fest primed

More Faces
Popped into a Fantasy Fest painting shop and found a couple getting ready for a Key West Duval stroll. They were more than happy to let me take their picture.

Extreme face art
Went streetwalking yesterday looking for more creative Fantasy Fest face painting and came upon this guy. It is a combination of paint, hair, contacts and skin prosthetics all combined in a great mix of colors.

Las Vegas
Walked around Las Vegas a couple times during the Covid shutdown. The streets were virtually empty and the few that there were really stood out. This gentleman was actually a very good musician.

When I met this gentleman he'd been living on the streets of Key West for at least 30 years. When I asked him how long he'd been homeless he said "since my car was stolen".

Harpoon Harry’s
A Key West restaurant fixture. Food is nothing to remember but it is painted an outstanding color.

Art in the making
A camera walk in Key West turned up a nice house where a finger painter was taking a break.

Friend in Key West

Another Photographer
Saw a couple guys set up with a camera in a median on a Chicago street. I walked over to see what they were doing and took this photo of what they were taking a photo of.

Wall art
All things considered it doesn't look half bad. I'd be happy hanging this one on my wall..somewhere.
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