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The Purpose

I really believe there are things nobody would see if I didn't photograph them. And, without you to see them, what is the point?
Havana Cuba


For many years. I was perfectly content just making pictures that I liked and rarely sharing them with anyone.

As my digital files accumulated and my catalog grew larger, I began asking, “what’s the point of collecting so many images, only to hide them in a dark, virtual vault?”

This made it hard to find my sense of purpose. Make a picture: what for? I know, for myself as that is what drives me. But having others see it is what completes it!


This is the area where the website designer said I should tell my “story’.

Well to be honest I don’t think my story is particularly interesting. But I do sincerely hope you find my photos to be.

To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.

My hobby is shaped by the urgent need to wander, observe and most importantly share what I see.

Black Crowned Crane


I began to crave a deeper meaning and purpose in my work, so a few years back, I started sharing and using my photos to raise money for charities. My hope was simply to brighten someone’s day – to take them to a part of the world they may never get to see in person.

Who knew “deeper meaning” would be found in something as simple as sending a photo in an email to the people I know? I didn’t. I had no idea the enjoyment my images would bring someone nor that my list would grow to the point of needing a website. But here we are.

Miami Rain

In Closing

I very simply love photography because it gets me out searching for the beautiful and unusual then sharing and helping people with what I have found. This provides me with an enjoyable and purposeful hobby.

I’ve been using my photos to benefit various charities over the years. So, if you like enjoy my photos, maybe you can help these deserving non-profits with a few dollars, thank you!

Key West Wildlife Center:

Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation in Key West FL

St George PAWS :

Humane Society in St George UT


Humane Society in Waukesha WI

Check back often as I promise to keep this site fresh with new photos and ideas.

And PLEASE, I ask you to help spread the word about this website by telling others or forwarding me their email address so they can begin receiving my Daily PIX. The more people that see it, the potential grows to provide help and the harder I will work to keep everyone entertained.